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"Me and Calum are going out to buy some stuff, wanna come with?" I ask Luke who's sitting on the couch watching tv.

"Nah its cool, you guys go ahead. " He says smiling.

I chuckle and we leave. Calum and I were running out of things to wear so we decided to go and buy some new stuff.

We hit up some of our favorite stores and buy several things like pants and shirts. I head into Hot Topic for some pants.

I get my size and try them on in the fitting rooms. I'm usually always right when it comes to sizes because I know my size on different things in different stores.

But these don't fit.

Normally, people will assume that they grabbed the wrong size or that that's not their size in those kind of clothing.

I change and put the pants back where I found them and rushed out the store.

Calum was waiting outside. " You didn't get anything?" He asks.

"Nope, now c'mon let's go. "

We leave and when I get back to the hotel, I head straight to my room. There was a full body length mirror and so I looked at myself. I took off my shirt to look at myself.

I squish the skin around my belly. I poke myself and Calum walks in. "What are you doing?" He asks stopping.

I sit down without breaking eye contact with the mirror. "Nothing." I respond finally.

"Everything ok?"

"Yeah. Calum, have my shoulders always looked like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like girl shoulders. " I say arching my back.

"You don't have girl shoulders.

"Okay well do I look fat to you?"

"What? Michael why are you thinking these things?" He asks concerned.

"The pants didn't fit me..."

"Well why didn't you just get a bigger size, silly? It's not the end of the world if pants don't fit you." He says slightly laughing at the end.

I can't believe he said that. He knows that I've struggled with weight as a kid. He was there when it all happened and he says that to me? I frown and slip my shirt back on.

"Shit." He mumbles.

"What?" I ask a little annoyed.

"I am so sorry, fuck. Forgive me baby please I'm so sorry." He pleads.

"What are you talking about?"

"About what I said about the bigger size and. I just remembered the weight thing, I'm so sorry." He explains kissing my face.

"Oh god. It's okay, really. Don't sugarcoat me." I say trying to push him away from me but his grip on me is tight and he won't stop kissing me.

He keeps saying sorry over and over while kissing me. I kept reminding him that it was okay.

"What was that thing you said?" I ask.

He makes a confused face and doesn't answer. "You called me 'baby'." He blushes and responds, "Well I don't know I just got scared I said the wrong thing. Plus I was apologizing so I just felt right I guess." I giggle and kiss him.

His Eyes (Complete Malum Fanic)Where stories live. Discover now