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After getting home, Calum calls and asks if he could come over. Obviously I said yes and when he did, we talked about the dumbest things.

Suddenly, he made a face of trying to remember something. "What's up?" I ask wanting to know if he was going to tell me something important.

"I remember, you have to try to be nicer to Luke."

"I know, I'm trying." I say.

"Luke told me what you said to him when you were walking home."

I groan, "I was just mad. Calum I'm telling you, he hates me."

He makes a straight face and says nothing. It stays quiet way too long and I felt guilt so I say something.

"He makes me feel like he's taking you away from me."

"What?" He asks and instantly moves to face me.

"Forget it, it's stupid."

"Michael." He says in a tone a mom would use.

"I don't want to be his friend because it feels like he's taking you away from me."

"You know I wouldn't let him do that." He says moving closer.

I feel my face get warmer by the second. Nevermind that, how am I supposed to get over the fact that I might actually like my best friend.

"What's the matter?" He asks.

I shrug and a tear drop rolls down my face for some odd reason. The last time I cried in front of Calum was when we were 7 and I scratched my knee pretty badly. We're 14 now and I definitely don't want to cry in front of him.

"Hey, it's okay." He says hugging me. I hug him back because this is just what I need.

I hate when he pulled back but he did and wiped the tears from my face.

"I like your eyes." He says smiling. There it is again, my face getting warmer and appearently redder.

"You don't have to answer but, do you like me?" Calum asks scratching the back of his neck.

"Yeah?" I manage to say.

I've always wanted to know how his lips felt. They were just so plump and nice. Maybe warm, maybe not. They could even be as soft as the softest thing I own.

Simply put, I'd definitely kiss him.

"So you won't be mad?" He asks looking straight at me.

"Mad at what?" I ask and then he quickly moves closer to plant a kiss on my lips.

I want this to last longer, I don't think he knows that. That's probably why he's ending the best moment ever.

I can't let him pull out like that, so I gently pull him back with my arms around him. I keep kissing him because I loved it. He's just so warm and his lips felt soft and comforting.

His Eyes (Complete Malum Fanic)Where stories live. Discover now