The Prank (Chapter 8)

Começar do início

"well we're pranking George if you must know but before you ask no you can't know what it is because knowing our luck you'll go and tell him which actually gives me an idea" I said. I looked at Fred for approval and he nodded. I then faced Dean and started batting my eyelashes at him.

"Dean Sweetie could you do me a favour could you go find George and tell him that me and Fred and re looking for him and that we are waiting for him here in the courtyard" I said pulling his tie around. Dean blushed and nodded and I smiled. I let go of the tie and Dean ran off to find George. I smiled in triumph as Fred pretended to applauded me for my effort.

"Right now that Dean is getting George for us I think it’s time we hide" i said Fred. Fred nodded and I turned around and made my way over to the bush with the water balloons in. Once I got there I stepped behind the bush and clutched onto a water balloon carefully making sure it didn't break. I then crouched down and waited.

After a couple of minutes George came rushing into the courtyard with an anxious look on his face. I giggled and looked over at Fred who was standing behind a pillar and smiled.

"Guys" George shouted.

"Guys" he shouted louder. I looked up at Fred laughing. Fred then started to count down with his fingers 3, 2, 1. Suddenly I stood up making George face me I then chucked the water balloon and it landed right on his chest. Water began trickling down his shirt and then Fred suddenly jumped out from behind the pillar and chucked his balloon right at George head. I began laughing from George reaction which was a very angry yet happy and confused look.

"I'm glad you find this funny" George said making his way over to me. Still laughing I quickly shoved my hand into the bush and got out another water balloon and chucked it into his face. Once George was close enough he put his hand in the bush and pulled out a water balloon. He grinned evilly and I shook my head. I quickly stood up and began running to a pillar. Once i got there i picked up a balloon but it was no use as I felt the balloon make contact with me. I soon felt water drip down my back. I turned around to look at George in disgust but he only began laughing. I then began walking towards him with the balloon in my hand.

"Vay no" George said shaking his head. I grinned and made my way closer. Once I was in front of him George suddenly plunged his hand into the bush and pulled out a balloon. I froze and stared at him. Suddenly George lifted his hand and placed the balloon on my head. I felt the splash as the cold water began running down my hair and face. I picked up my hand and slammed my hand into George’s chest. As the water soaked into his shirt George looked at me with a hurt expression and clutched his chest.

“Oh my god are you ok did I hurt you?” I asked grabbing his chest and examining it. George then started laughing.

“Like hell you hurt me don’t tell me that was your hardest slamming you ever done” he said. I blushed and looked down.

“No” I muttered.

“What that wouldn’t hurt a fly” he said between laughs. I blushed more and turned away. All of a sudden I felt a rush of water come down on me and as I looked around to the side of me Fred was a holding a now empty bucket and was laughing.

Have We Met? (a George Weasley Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora