"No," Ethan shook his head, "I brought you here to show you what we have, so now, will you join us?"

"You want us to join your group?" Lauren exclaimed, "That was what the kidnapping was all for? To show us your hotel?"

"No," Ethan chuckled, watching as Lauren narrowed her eyes. "We would have killed you. But you're strong, more valuable alive than dead."

"Well thanks," Lauren quipped sarcastically. Ethan smirked at her annoyance while Carl tried to figure out what options they had.

"You're making it out like we have a choice," Carl spoke up, "But it's pretty clear that if we don't join; you will kill us."

"Smart boy," Ethan chuckled, belitteling Carl. "So what'll it be? Yes, or no?"

Lauren looked back to Carl and he did the same, she nodded ever so slightly and he let out a soundless sigh. How would this turn out? People only seemed to bring them both trouble, especially big groups.

"Yes," Lauren mumbelled half-heartedly and Ethan clapped his hands together.

"Well that's that then," He grinned. "I have some stuff to take care of so Diggy will give you guys a room on floor A and show you around. I'll see you at tonights bonfire."

With that he left, followed by Trevor. Once they were gone, both Carl and Lauren turned to Diggy, who looked to be in his early thirties, and a true country man. He had short brown hair and stubble. His eyes were kind, unlike most people's. A large hunting rifle was strapped on his back.

"It's not that bad," Diggy finally spoke. "You'll be safe here."

"If I had a dollar for every time I've heard the word 'safe' and then it all crumbled down," Lauren sighed and Diggy chuckled.

"You'd have nothing because money is useless," Diggy said, causing Carl and Lauren to crack a smile. She liked this guy, he didn't give her the I'm-going-to-kill-you-later vibe like Trevor did.

"I suppose so," Lauren nodded.

"Come on," Diggy gestured for them to follow him out of the armory. He stepped into the hallway and pointed down the long corridor. "The medic is beside the armory and that door down at the end leads to the canteen. Y'all can get something to eat at the bonfire."

Diggy led them out through the lobby and down another red-velvet carpet hall. He pushed open a door and began to climb the stairs to the first floor.

"We like to keep people on the lower floors for safety," Diggy explained, "These are the better rooms, floor A, Ethan asked you to be put here. There are only five rooms on this floor. Mine, Trevor's, Sam's, Ethan's and now yours."

"Why are we here and not with some other newbies or something?" Lauren asked and Diggy shrugged.

"The other rooms are higher up," Diggy said, "Maybe Ethan wanted you low down incase something happens, you guys are probably more capable than most here."

Lauren nodded, not quite satisfied with Diggy's answer. Ethan wanted something from them both and Lauren wanted to know what.

"Anyway," Diggy sighed. "You guys have room four, across from Ethan's and beside Sam. Lucky you."

Lucky, I think not.

Forever Unfinished // Carl GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now