The Relationship Writer - Chapter 15

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I've decided to upload before going to Canada. I wouldn't feel complete without writing another chapter... lol. Not really. :P

Buuuut, it wouldn't feel right to leave you all hanging. So here's the next chapter! :3


Chapter 15

I scurried into a corner of the kitchen, using one of the cupboard doors as a shield. I know it wouldn't protect me from anything. But it was a start.

At this point, I couldn't care less of what Aaron thought of me. All I cared about was my severe phobia of thunderstorms, and the actual thunderstorm outside. I shuddered when I heard the sound of thunder for about the billionth time.

Aaron stood by the window, looking outside at the rain. I looked at him in horror. How could he even stand to hear the rain? I had the palms of my hands covering my ears.

I watched Aaron turn around and look around a few times. The kitchen light was off, so he probably had no idea as to where I was. "Riley?" He turned around in a circle, looking like a lost puppy. I grinned childishly, despite the rain outside.

"Riley?" Aaron repeated. He ducked his head and looked under the table. When he realized I wasn't there, he stood up straight and spun around a few more times, a little slower this time. I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing.

Aaron sighed and walked into the kitchen. I froze, contemplating whether I should leave or not. He would probably see me...

He tried flicking on the light switch, but the lights didn't come on. He muttered something incoherent and ran a hand through his hair. He tried the switch a few more times, but it still didn't work. The power had gone out.

As Aaron was playing with the light switch, I took it as my cue to leave. I quietly shut the cupboard, knowing the loud clicks of the light switch would conceal the sound. I crawled out of the other opening of the kitchen and glanced around. I silently got to my feet and went upstairs.

I didn't know if Aaron was aware of the hide-and-seek game, but I needed something to keep my mind off the storm. But once I was upstairs, I realized what a bad idea it was.

The second floor was filled with windows, with the raging storm in plain sight. I felt every nerve in my body begin to freeze up. Lightning flashed across the sky and lit up the whole floor.

How could I be so stupid? What kind of astraphobic goes upstairs in the middle of a storm?

My vision became rimmed with black, and I felt myself getting dizzy. I shut my eyes tight and stumbled backwards into the wall. I would've gone downstairs if I could, but I couldn't move. I was still in shock. I curled up into a ball, going into trauma mode. I leaned against the wall, tears already streaming down my face.

"Riley?" a voice said softly. It took me two seconds to realize it was Aaron. Fantastic.

"Found you," Aaron said, his voice sounding slightly relieved. I didn't move. I guess that's when Aaron realized something was wrong, because he just said, "Shit."

"Riley," he said again, even softer than before, "let's go downstairs."

I still didn't move. I refused. I stayed glued to the wall.

"It'll be alright," Aaron said. I could tell he was close now. I felt his fingertips brush against my arm. I flinched at the touch. "But we've got to go downstairs."

I wasn't moving. Whatever he said, whatever he did, I couldn't move.

Aaron sighed and suddenly, I felt his arms go around me. Next thing I knew, I was being lifted into the air, princess style. I squirmed. I tried struggling out of his hold... that is, until there was another boom of thunder.

I instantly threw my arms around Aaron's neck and held on tight.


The storm went on for about another half hour. It was an unbearable half hour. But it wasn't just the storm. It was the awkwardness that hung in the air, because of what happened.

Usually I'm very independent. I wouldn't just latch onto someone like that, especially if it was someone like Aaron.

We spent the rest of the storm on the couch; I was on one side, Aaron on the other. He didn't seem to sense the awkwardness, because he just kept on making smug remarks, like always. But he didn't make any references to the previous situation. Or the storm. And I was grateful for that.

Aaron kept blabbing on, trying to get my attention. Honestly, he had my attention, since there was really nothing else to pay attention to, so it was all in vain. But it was funny just hearing him talk. And actually, it was... calming.

There's something wrong with me. Oh my gosh.

"Aaron?" I said softly, without thinking. Aaron's dark blue eyes shifted to me, and a small smile played on his lips. I felt my heart rate go up. Ugh.

"Thanks," I mumbled sheepishly. I looked down at my hands in my lap. I didn't need to see Aaron's smirk right now. It probably wouldn't be best.

There was a short, awkward silence between us. I wasn't sure what Aaron was doing, since I wasn't looking at him. But then I actually made the mistake of catching a glimpse of him. He was wearing his crooked smile with his arms outstretched. "What, no hug?" he asked.

I looked at him for a few moments, my expression blank. Aaron wagged his eyebrows, making motions with his hands for me to give him a hug. I just snorted, sounding very un-ladylike.

"No thanks," I said, laughing slightly. Aaron smirked, dropping his arms. "What?" I snapped.

"Oh, nothing," he said nonchalantly. "I guess I really don't need another hug. You know, after you practically latched onto me like a koala bear."

I felt my face flush completely red as I scowled.

The teasing douchebag.



I'm sorry.

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