The Relationship Writer - Chapter 4

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Hey guys, I’ve officially graduated from middle school! :D Soooo, I am proud to say that I am “officially” a freshman. :3


Chapter 4

I have to say, sitting next to Aaron is... a nightmare.

First of all, his arrogant, smug aura just gets in the way of my focus. I mean, Aaron Ross will not go ignored. He just keeps going on and on about how I treated him on the walk to school, as if I was the hottest girl at school. And now, he's telling me about how hot he is on his first day of school.

"...and Dana told me that this class is for the bottomfeeders. So I don't even belong in this class, since I've been getting girls already, and it's only the first day of school. It's still pretty funny to me how you—" I cut him off by slapping my hand over his mouth. I would've just slapped him across the face, but that would've earned me a detention. But who knows? I bet Mr. Wright would have fully supported my decision to bruise Aaron's perfect face.

I glared straight into those dark, blue eyes of his. They went wide for a second, but then they softened. I couldn't really tell his expression from the look in his eyes, but I could feel his lips curl into a smirk against the palm of my hand. I tried to ignore it, as best as I could.

"Listen to me," I said venomously. I waited for Aaron to nod obediently, but he didn't. I just felt his smirk widen against my hand. I tried to resist the urge to dig my nails into his cheeks. I gave him my best death glare.

"I don't give a crap about your social status. I could care less," I said darkly, pressing down on my palm. Aaron's blue eyes became amused. My scowl deepened. "But if you keep on telling me about it, I might have to give you a black eye," I finished.

Once I was finished, I glared straight into Aaron’s eyes for a while. It was just me and him at the moment, which means that I was so freakin’ worked up that my target was all I could see. I didn’t even notice how the whole class had gone completely silent… including Mr. Wright.

Well, I didn't notice at that moment.

My hand relaxed and I glanced around the classroom, my eyes darting from Heidi, then to Mitchell, then to Mr. Wright. All of their expressions were priceless, but not in the good sense of the word. The other students looked horrified, including Mitchell and Heidi, who were my best friends. I didn’t see what the big deal was, I didn’t even say anything that threatening… But I guess, since I’m usually the quiet girl, no one ever expected to see me so upset.

I felt my hands drop limply into my lap. I looked at Mr. Wright, biting my lip. Mr. Wright had his arms folded, and his expression was just as cross as his arms were. His angry eyes were flicking between both Aaron and me, probably unsure of who to frown at. Honestly, I think I’m one of Mr. Wright’s favorite students. And he already hates Aaron, just like me. Hopefully, his glare will ultimately go to Aaron.

But I have to say, the worst one had to be Aaron. When I looked at him, he didn’t look the slightest bit scared or even embarrassed. He just looked like he had heard the funniest joke in the world. I could tell that he was laughing at me in his mind—it was unnerving.

I wanted to punch him in the face.

He would look so smug in the face of anger. Aaron Ross is just a guy who thinks he's all-that, with his good looks and his blue eyes, but he's not. He thinks he's so cool, just because the populars have already flung themselves at him, but he's not. He thinks he deserves every right in the world to be so overconfident all the time, but he doesn't. He thinks he's so awesome...

The Relationship WriterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora