The Relationship Writer - Chapter 11

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 Ayooooo! :D

Sooo, I’ve been feeling motivated lately. Some of my favorite wattpad authors uploaded recently, and I feel inspired. :O



Chapter 11

“Riley,” a familiar voice said softly. I felt someone shake my shoulder gently, but I just groaned and buried myself deeper in my covers. There was an amused chuckle. I was too sleepy to even determine who the voice belonged to. All I know is that it’s familiar.

“Why are you waking me up?” I moaned. “It’s only Sunday.”

There was another chuckle. Whoever was trying to wake me up on the weekend seemed awfully amused…

I paused in the middle of my thoughts. If my eyes would have been open, they would have narrowed. I immediately realized who it was.

I had a fit, flailing my limbs, trying to land a hit on Aaron’s face. I heard laughter, and next thing I knew, I was lying on the ground, all tangled up in my sheets. I had another mini seizure to try and untangle myself. There was more laughter, coming from directly above me. I grimaced and just decided to stay on the floor, hoping Aaron would just go away. Who the heck let him in the house anyways?!

I started fake snoring for effect, snorting when I inhaled, and taking exaggerated breaths when I exhaled. Hopefully Aaron would be dumb enough to fall for it and just leave me alone.

“Riley,” I heard Aaron say flatly, after about a minute of my extremely fake snoring. His voice was slightly muffled, since I was still drowning in my comforter. “I know you’re awake.”

I sighed loudly, hugging my knees to my chest. “No I’m not! Go away!” I whined. Aaron laughed. I winced at how loud he was being; his loud voice even penetrated the thick layer of sheets around me. That’s how I was certain someone had let him inside the house, and he hadn’t just climbed in my window. I was slightly relieved, and slightly horrified. I didn’t know how I was supposed to feel that my parents actually let Aaron into my bedroom.

I felt a sudden whoosh of air, signifying that I was being lifted off the ground. I let out a high-pitched squeak, and I started struggling in Aaron’s arms. No matter how tired I was, I wasn’t going to let Aaron touch me.

“Let go!” I screamed. Aaron chuckled heartily as I felt the softness of my mattress against my back. I exhaled slightly, feeling secure again. Well, until I felt Aaron tug my comforter away from me.

“Don’t—!” I quickly unraveled from my sheets, only to collapse onto the ground again. I winced, letting out a hiss of pain. I opened my eyes the slightest bit, only to see Aaron’s amused face over mine. His face was about a foot and a half away from mine, but it was already too close. I made a mental note to get a restraining order. Aaron smirked, and I frowned. The exchange of expressions was getting way too familiar.

“How’d you get in here?” I demanded, shooting into an upright position. I had hoped that Aaron would move out of the way, but because of my amazing luck, my forehead bumped against his. I gritted my teeth and brought my hand up to my forehead. Aaron grinned crookedly at me, and it looked somewhat apologetic. I scowled.

“I’ll tell you later,” Aaron said, dismissing the subject with a wave of his hand. I narrowed my eyes, but all of a sudden, his arms were around my waist. My eyes widened slightly when I saw how close his face was too mine. My face flushed. Aaron’s smirk widened. I immediately frowned back, forcing my blush off of my cheeks. Why was I even blushing?

“But right now,” Aaron said quietly, lifting me to my feet, “you need to get ready for school.”

I gave Aaron a questioning look as I shoved him away from me. “It’s Sunday, dipwad,” I said bluntly. Aaron raised an eyebrow at my childish insult, but he just chuckled and raised his cellphone to my face. I almost gasped.

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