The Relationship Writer - Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I let Aaron's words sink in. I stared at him in shock, while he just smirked back, like he always did.

Aaron needs my help?

I opened my mouth instinctively, ready to speak again after about five minutes. I can't stand silences, so I always feel the need to break them. But of course, silly me. I forgot that Aaron's hand was still pressed over my mouth.

Ugh, stupid.

I wondered if Aaron could feel my mouth moving, because he just wouldn't let go. I started flailing my arms at my sides and making incoherent sounds. "Mmf! Mmmmm!" I screeched. Aaron laughed.

"You know you like being so close," he said with a wink, his face nearing mine. My eyes widened and I nearly choked, wishing my mouth hadn't been covered. I guess Aaron tried going for super flirty, but he totally failed. Once he witnessed my mini cough attack, he burst into laughter. He pulled both hands away from me and to his stomach.

I'm free, baby!

My first instinct was just to get away from Aaron, and run back upstairs, to the comfiness that is my bed. But I had to ignore my impulse, because I remembered Aaron's request for my help on the column.

Obviously, I'm not going to deny it. If I can't write my own column, I might as well swallow my pride and get the next best thing.

My eyes went to Aaron, who was doubling over hysterically. I don't know if I've ever seen anyone laugh so much. I huffed and crossed my arms.

"It's not that funny, you know," I muttered sourly. Aaron stopped laughing for a second, looking up at me with a crooked grin. I almost gasped at how much better he looked without the stupid smirk on his face, but then he went back to laughing again. I sighed and covered my face.

"But your face--!" Aaron choked out, wiping some tears from his eyes. Woah. I scowled.

"I don't think anyone's face can be funny enough to make someone cry," I said bitterly. "It's not like I went cross-eyed or anything."

Aaron looked up at me again, trying to sober up. He took a few steps towards me, I took a few back. He still had on a lopsided smile, making me wonder why he didn't smile more often. It suited him way better than that cocky smirk that's always on his face.

Once Aaron seemed completely over his laughing fit, he dropped his grin and went right back to his smirk. I rolled my eyes. I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose in exasperation. I’m not so sure if I should accept helping him anymore.

“So what’s your answer?”

I kept my eyes closed for a while, contemplating my answer, weighing the risks against the benefits. Obviously, I’m going to have to spend at least a whole day of the week with Aaron, which I will not be looking forward to. But at the same time, I’ll be writing my own column in the newspaper. Well… co-writing, I suppose.

Ugh. I grimaced internally at the thought. Co-writing for someone like Aaron? Yuck.

I opened my eyes and looked up, ready with my answer. I would never co-write for Aaron Ross. It’s so close to blasphemy; it’s horrible. Terrifying. Unthinkable.

But then I saw Aaron’s freakin’ expression. The puppy dog stare.

“Please, Riley? Don’t let me down,” he said pleadingly. I gaped at him for a few seconds, and at how downright adorable he looked at the moment. I won’t say his personality was any better, though, so my view of him barely changed. Barely.

I sighed deeply and put my face in my hands. “Yes,” I mumbled in defeat. I can’t take the puppy dog look for more than a minute, no matter who it comes from. It bugs me so much that Aaron’s found my weakness.

“Huh? What’s that?” Aaron said, suddenly nearby. Actually, he was so close, that I could feel his breath in my ear. So yeah, nearby wouldn’t even begin to describe it. It was a little freaky.

“Yes,” I said again, a little louder this time. But my face was still in my hands, my agreement still muffled. I half-expected Aaron to ask again, because he’s just that obnoxious.

“Come again?” Aaron drawled. His hands slowly slid around my wrists, and I winced from the tingling sensation again. My hands fell to my sides.

Where in the world does that come from?

“YES!” I shrieked in frustration, ripping my wrists away from his hands. “I’ll help you with your damn article, just for the love of all that is good in the world, stop touching me!”

Aaron looked shocked for a few seconds, just staring at me with his mouth slightly open. His hands were still hanging where he had grabbed my wrists, grasping at nothing but the cold air. I gave him a glare to go along with the nasty weather.

Then Aaron’s eyes lit up. I groaned internally. Oh gosh.

“You said yes,” he said with a cocky grin. I rolled my eyes.

“Really,” I said sarcastically.

That’s how I ended up being dragged to Aaron’s house to help with the first article.


Kind of a filler... :/ But I hope you like it! And the next chapter will be at school again, sorry for all the time jumps ;P

Btw, I might not have much time to upload. I'm in this volunteering program, and it's five days a week, just like school. On top of that, i have a spanish course to finish online, and my mom (who's a teacher) and some other teacher are giving us SAT prep. I'm not even in high school yet, and they should really chill. But it's not half bad, I just need to keep a positive outlook... ALL THE TIME. x)

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