2.2 • Vegas

730 29 8

2 more tour dates. Vegas, then LA where we finish. We're driving to Vegas now, in the tour bus. "Who's going to the slots tonight?" Ryan's cheerful voice boomed through the bus. I roll my eyes, of course Ryan would be going gambling tonight.

"I will." Ashley agreed nodding.

"What?! Ash, you've never gambles in your life." I laughed.

"Come on! I'm in Vegas, I'm 21. It can't hurt to try."

"I guess not. But I can't, I've got to do the meet and greet and then I'm coming back to the bus." I smile at them. I'm sat on the small sofa, flicking through Instagram and Twitter on my phone. Kelsey was watching from the doorway, Ryan was slouched down at the dining table with Ashley, beer in hand. God only know where Charlie is.

"Why?" Ash asked, curiosity flooding her features.

"Because." I shrugged. She raised an eyebrow. She realized I wasn't going to answer and gave up.


Charlie's POV

I'm kind of emotional. This tour has been amazing. I get to spend so much time with Meghan. The other crew as well, but I was mainly concerned about leaving Meghan. Yes, I have been touring with Meghan for 3 months and I haven't confessed my feelings. I'm scared. Yes, I Charlie Puth, admit that I am absolutely fucking terrified to admit to Meghan Trainor that I am ridiculously, stupidly, head over heels totally in love with her.
She has blonde hair that flows past her shoulders, emerald green eyes that sparkle a lighter shade when she's really excited, dull out when she's upset or confused. And when she's happy ... Damn, her eyes look as though they've been taken over by green glitter. Her smile is what I live for, when she cries I'm right by her side, holding her hand, soothing her, telling her it's all gonna be okay. I can't live without her. That's what scares me the most.

I hear all the commotion from my bunk. Meghan and Ashley, having a little spat. One of many over the course of the tour. Best friends, it's what they do. For the most part they get on like a house on fire. I never got that. 'Like a house on fire', why that? Last time I checked, houses and fire did not get on. If anything it just ruined homes and memories, families belongings burnt to crisp beyond recognition. I prefer, they get along like best friends. Because they do.

The sliding door that separated my bunk from the main hallway of the bus slid open slowly. Meghan's joyful face appeared from the outside. She had on mascara, very little foundation and red lipstick.

She. Looked. Gorgeous.

Absolutely stunning. Clothes-wise, she wore her zebra onesie. "Hey Charlie!" She said happily. I smiled back. All I could think about, was taking off her onesie, throwing it on the floor, forgotten, gone. I want her so badly, but I can't have her. I can't have her because I'm a coward. I'm a coward that can't tell her how much I love her, how much I want her. I just can't

Stupid Charlie.

Meghan's POV

"Hey Charlie!" I greet, popping my head around to catch my eyes with his.

"Hi." He responded, a smile playing his lips.

"So ... Why aren't you being sociable and joining in with the conversations in the main area of the bus?" I asked smirking, and sitting next to him.

"Because I'm writing." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Lemme see!" I squealed, happy with the prospect of more of Charlie's writing. He snatched the paper away from me.


"Why?" I whined.

"Because." He shrugged again. Damn. I can't retaliate.

"Ugh, whatever."

Two hours later and the tour bus is in the lot, parked outside of the arena, just waiting. We still have 5 more hours until the show starts, so we all decide to go out before the show, obviously, no drinking was allowed, not until after. No drunk people on set. Stupid rules. Everyone filed off of the bus, only me and Charlie staying on for a little longer to gather ourselves enough to leave. "Hey Charlie I'm getting off now!" I call out, knowing he heard me. I began to step off ...

"Meghan, wait!" I turned around and before I could even see what was happening, lips crashed against mine. Familiar, soft, tasteful lips. Charlie's lips. I was shocked, my eyes widened but then, then I relaxed into it, allowing the kiss to overtake. If I could stay in that moment forever ... I would. "Hotel?" He whispered in my ear breathless, causing shivers to spread through my spine.

"Charlie wait." I stopped him, biting my bottom lip. My arms remained wrapped around his neck, our bodies were pressed together rather intimately. "So ... we should wait. For now. Someone could see."

"And if they don't?"

"They will."

"They won't." He stressed "don't" I grinned. His auburn eyes sparkled mischievously. "I love you," he mumbled. I grinned.

"I love you too." I whispered softly, our foreheads touching and our lips just centimeters apart. He closed the gap between us. We were once again trapped in the mind blowing, firework-exploding kiss that entrapped us in another world entirely.

"Hotel?" He whispered again, his hot breath fanning my neck. I just nodded, being unable to form any words. He grinned and got an uber to take us from the lot to the hotel. That's exactly what happened. We got a room and made our way up to the 6th floor, where our room was situated. As soon as the door closed our lips clashed together in a fight of passion. My legs wrapped around his waist and he unzipped my onesie (yes, I came here in my onesie) I removed his shirt and trailed my hands down his chest. He pulled my onesie down to my waist and carried me over to the bed. He completely undressed me, and me him. Then, he rolled on a condom and entered me. I moaned his name and he smirked and started going faster.

"Oh ... God ... Charlie!" I moaned and then I came undone in his arms, he pulled out and lay beside me. Both of us panting, naked. Our bodies stuck together. Stuck like two pieces of the same puzzle. Together. I check the clock beside the bed. 2 more hours.

I grin, a smirk plastering my features. "You know what they say : what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas."

"But what if I don't want it to stay in Vegas?"


"What if I want to scream from the rooftops of LA or Paris or even fucking Tokyo! I wanna scream 'I love you!' What if I don't want it to stay in Vegas?!"

I smirked, my eyes brimming with love and lust, "That would be acceptable"

A/N : Yeah, it's absolutely rubbish and it's horrible I know, I know! But, I missed the halloween chapter. It was an accident, I just started it and then .... bam, nothing. Anyway, here's another one. If you enjoyed, comment and vote. Love you all,
-Faye x

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