2.4 • Goodbye (Pt. 2)

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I sat at the airport, just thinking about Charlie. Our flight hadn't been called yet, we were on a private plane, thank god. I can't deal with people. Not right now. I know my crew would accept I wanted space. Without realising, salty tears slipped from my eyes and down my cheeks. "Are you okay?" A girl asked me. She had brown eyes and brown hair. She was smiling kindly at me, she couldn't of been older than 13.

"Yeah... I think so." She took a seat next to me.

"Are you sure, you look really sad," she asked me uncertainly.

"I'm sure."

"Hmm, okay." She got up to leave but I called her back.

"Wait! What's your name?"

"Aria," she smiled.

"Well, bye Aria."

"Bye, Meghan Trainor." I grinned. She was a fan, yet she didn't ask for an autograph or picture. She just wanted to comfort me. That's sweet.

"Private Plane 004 to Sweden now boarding. Private Plane 904 to Sweden, now boarding." The overhead speakers boomed. You could see people mumbling incoherent words under their breath, no doubt cursing the fact that I have a private jet. Sorry, people. Well, I'm renting a private jet.

I handed the woman my boarding pass. "Passport please," she said with disgust and boredom. I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"Here you are," I replied annoyed, wearing an impossibly plastic smile.

"Enjoy your flight," she spoke unconvincingly. Whatever. I walked past her and took my seat, alone. Everyone else sat nearer the front, where the bar is, but I took a seat at the back, stuck in some headphones and blasted 'One Call Away' on my phone. Thankfully, everyone had the sense to leave me alone and cry in the corner. But about a quarter through the flight, JoJo came over to me.

"Hey," she smiled somewhat nervously and sat next to me. I didn't respond, just pressed myself into the wall next to me, as far away from human interaction as humanly possible. "Meg," she spoke solemnly.

"What?" I snapped. Hurt flashed through JoJo's eyes and I couldn't help but feeling guilty. "I'm sorry."

"No... No, it's fine," she lied.

"It's not, I shouldn't be taking this out on you guys. I just miss him so fucking much and it hasn't even been a day yet," I laughed pitifully at myself. Look at me, I was a sobbing, teary mess on a private plane with all the alcohol anyone could ever ask for, TV screens, luxury service, millions in the bank... and I'm here crying. How illogical. "It just doesn't make sense..." I sighed as I tried to calm myself down.

"Love doesn't make sense," she shrugged. Ha. No, no it does not. That's no excuse to be a bitch though is it?

"I guess," I huffed.

"I'll leave you alone now, try not to miss me too much." She winked. I couldn't help but smile genuinely for the first time in hours.

"Thanks, JoJo." She grinned and walked back towards Ryan and Britton and everyone else. I closed my eyes and yet another tear escaped. This plane journey is - and will continue to be - hell. Somehow, I must've cried myself to sleep eventually because I woke up with only a half hour of the flight left. Way to kill the time I suppose. The seatbelt sign appeared and I buckled up, waiting for the plane to land. I always hated the landings. A lot. Usually though, Charlie was there to comfort me and soothe me. Not today. Right now, he'd be busying himself about LA, doing promo for his second album coming out in a few months time. Oh, Char Char, if only you knew how much I miss you.

After what seemed like a lifetime the wheels hit the concrete of the runway and the plane screeched to a halt. "Thank you ladies and gentlemen, you may now leave the plane through your nearest exit. I hope you had an enjoyable flight"
I chuckled dryly and scoffed. 'Enjoyable', as if. We picked up our luggage and got to our hotel with no problem.

"Hey Megs!" Ryan called, jogging over.

"Yeah?" I sighed, tired. Stupid jet lag.

"We're all going out to celebrate the official start of the tour, coming?"

"It doesn't start 'till after the first show, I'll come then," I stated simply and went to my room before any other words could be exchanged between us. I collapsed onto the bed, my eyes closing instantly. I kicked off my sneakers and just rested my head on the soft, white pillow. It instantly became wet with salty tears from my green eyes. Slowly, I dragged myself up and heaved myself to the bathroom, where I removed my makeup, had a quick shower, changed and once again lugged myself into my comfortable, crispy, white hotel bed. I was out like a light.

The next morning I woke up not yet being fully conscious (A/N: If that makes sense!..). The first thing I became aware of were two arms, wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer to whoever who had a tight hold on me, making me feel safe instantly. Their head was buried in my neck and blonde tangle of hair and one of his leg lay across mine. My eyes fluttered open and they had to adjust to sliver of harsh sunlight casting light through the small room. I turned ever so slightly and there I saw him. His brown hair was tousled and in a mess of knots atop his head, his eyelids were gently closed, hiding from me his auburn eyes. His lips were slightly parted and he was breathing heavily. His chest, which was exposed due to his lack of a shirt, was pressed against my back, sending tingles down my spine from his touch, even after a year.


A/N: I though that was a good place to end it :D

Please comment, it really makes me wanna update for you guys more <3

~Faye x

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