6.7 • I Don't Dance

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Based off of the song 'I Don't Dance' by Lee Brice :)

∥ charlie's pov ∥

"Dance with me, Puth, come on," Meghan giggled, tugging at my hands as my eyes practically devoured her in that skintight dress. I couldn't help but gulp as I took her in. Her dress was crimson red, hugged her curves, showed off her cleavage and her luscious legs; she was driving me totally crazy. I didn't budge from my seat, and forced a light smirk to my lips.

"I don't dance, Trainor," I replied, shrugging my shoulders and leaning back in my seat. I looked past Meghan, though it was difficult to tear my eyes away from her short, tight dress and how she looked in it, and settled my eyes on the dance floor at the people having their drunken fun. "And I haven't drunk nearly enough to get you to convince me," I winked, my eyes flitting back to her. I found myself staring, and she must've noticed, for she giggled lightly and playfully hit the side of my head.

"Hey Puth! Eyes up here," she chuckled, pointing to her eyes. I just smirked and wiggled my eyebrows in response. She rolled her eyes, and tugged at my hands again. "Please," she begged, pouting. I was staring again, but not at her body. As she pouted she began to giggle, and her beautiful eyes lit up like nothing is ever seen and a wide smile spread across her lips. She looked... adorable. "Charlie!" she whined, dragging out my name, pulling me out of my reverie, and back to reality in doing so.

"I don't dance," I spoke stubbornly, pursing my lips as I refused to dance with my co-star. She fluttered her eyelashes, pushing out her bottom lip. Yet again, I found myself drifting into my thoughts.

"Please Char," she begged, letting go of just one of my hands.

"Sure," I found myself saying, no thought on anything but how adorable she looked when her eyes sparkled brighter than a shooting star in the night sky.

"Yay!" she said triumphantly, easily pulling me from my seat and towards the dance floor.

"Wait what?" I was about to say no when she turned to face me, and the look of pure joy gracing her features was enough to silence my protests and endure dancing, for her. I sighed as the song ended, and the next one started playing.

"Can you ballroom dance, Charles?" Meghan giggled, moving closer to me so we could dance. I just smirked in response, pulling Meghan closer to me and started spinning her round and round in circles as we danced, taking her by surprised as we moved swiftly around the dance floor, dipping her at the end. "What the f-" she started, bewildered as I helped pulled her close to my chest and started slow dancing to the next song.

"Ballroom dancing lessons," I shrugged, making her smirk and raise an eyebrow in response. "Not recently; when I was kid." She nodded with a soft giggle and then rested her head against my chest, swaying along to the music. My mind wandered to all of the moments I'd shared with the red head in my arms. From kissing her on national televisions for the AMA's, to skipping a day of work to go swimming in the ocean, and arguing with her as I would my brother.

I always thought I'd never settle down. I was that guy: a player, toying around with women's feelings then hanging them out to dry. I don't even dance, yet here I am swaying along to the music with Meghan's head against my chest and my hands settled on her waist. Very slowly, I'd come to the realisation that I'd do anything with her anywhere, and already had done in the period of time we'd known each other. The time she begged me to stay with her as she cried when she found out someone she used to know had died; when she got me to trade phones for a day, because we have the same one; the day we went hiking in Hawaii, just the two of us, just because she loved it, and even though I didn't, I did it anyway.

"I guess you've got me in the palm of your hand, Trainor." I sighed, and heard her giggle and then she turned to face me. My eyebrows creased at first, confused, but then it dawned on me. "I just said that out loud, didn't I?" A soft smirk spread across her perfect lips as she nodded, making her red locks bounce a little on her shoulders before running a hand through her hair and then wrapping her arms around my neck. We looked into each other's eyes for a small while longer, my baby blues gazing into her slightly darker, gleaming, emerald eyes.

"So, I got you in the palm of my hand huh, Puth?" she mumbled, chuckling lightly as a ghostly smirk graced her lips. I nodded a little and I swear a blush crept to my cheeks.

"Meghan I'm -" I was cut off by a change in music. Before we knew it, Meghan and I were whisked off in a conga line, her tripping and stumbling, despite it being possibly the simplest dance known to man. "You and your two left feet, Trainor!" I called out, smirking as she turned to face me while laughing.

"Shut up!" she laughed from a few people ahead of me.

She'd taken those two left feet, and she'd waltzed her way right into my heart.

Finally, after what felt like more than an age, the conga line dispersed. Meghan and I, were alone. She dragged me back to her hotel room, and forced me to watch a movie with her. I obliged of course, sitting on her couch with her yawning adorably beside me. When the movie got to the end, the credits started rolling, and Meghan was still miraculously awake, she dragged me up from the couch.

"Dance with me," she smiled, taking both of my hands in her small, soft ones and making me dance along to the music with her.

"I don't dance," I responded, repeating my line from much earlier on in the night with a gentle smile. She smirked her signature smirk, with her lips lightly tugged upwards and a devious look in her sparkling eyes.

"Yet here you are," she breathed, closing her eyes for a moment. "And your dancing with me."

I nodded, "I told you, Meg. You got me in the palm of your hand," I softly sighed, leaning down to rest my forehead against hers. When I opened my eyes, I saw that her gorgeous bluey-green eyes were hidden behind her eyelids, and a smile was stretched across her lips. "Hey Trainor?"

"Mhm?" she mumbled tiredly.

"I love you," I told her sincerely. Never once have I told someone, other than my family, that and meant it with every ounce of my being. Yet, as she opened those beyond perfect eyes and looked into mine, a smile on her lips, her hair messy, her dress ruffled and untidy from the night, I knew that I meant it with everything I had. "I really do," I whispered, more to myself than her.

"I know," she responded, once again flitting her eyes closed and then hugging me as we gently swayed. "I love you too," she muttered, pressing a soft, affectionate kiss against my lips before taking my hand and leading me to the queen sized bed and collapsing onto it. "C'mon, Puth," she sighed, her words slurred with how tired she was. I lay down next to her, and pulled her tiny form into my arms. Her legs tangled themselves in mine, and she lay her head on my chest, so she was practically lying on top of me. I grinned to myself, clasping sleeping Meghan's hand in mine, and not letting go.

"Goodnight, Meghan," I mumbled, pressing a kiss against the top of her head and falling asleep myself.

A/N: this was originally written as Zanna (Zac Efron and Anna Kendrick) because they're too cute for life but since this was the oneshot that got me over my long ass writers block I decided to post it. Sorry it sucks, it's because I can't write anything right now, but I thought this was readable, and I haven't updated in God knows how long like the great author I am :)

Stay strong lovelies,
- Faye X

[ p.s: pic of zanna because I couldn't help myself ]

s: pic of zanna because I couldn't help myself ]

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