3.5 • Kid In Love

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"We don't have to be ordinary, make your best mistakes, 'cause we don't have the time to be sorry. Baby, be the life of the party" -Shawn Mendes (Life of the Party)

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Meghan's POV

High school. I fucking hate high school. I mean, I'm not exactly the most popular girl in school. It's me and Ashley alone. Always us two. On days like today, when Ash's home sick with flu, it sucks, school. School sucks, but Ashley can always make it better by making me laugh, then she laughs too and we laugh until we're nearly peeing our pants and snorting like pigs. We make each other forget about everyone else for a little while. Other than the few musical clubs I do, I like to stay hidden. I do Jazz, which kinda sucks sometimes because I am "by far" the best singer in the school, making me front and center every performance. Every single one. I managed, somehow, to get through every class. Just doing the usual same old, same old. Just without Ashley. Lunch would be hell, it was anyone. The self-proclaimed 'bad asses' throwing food, causing trouble and just being straight up dicks, basically. Once again, no Ashley. At least with her there it was bearable.

I grabbed my lunch of what was meant to be a burger. I took one look at it, scrunched up my nose and shook my head lightly as I walked away from the food line. As I was wandering aimlessly, failing to find a table to eat at, I saw a guy. A handsome guy. Head down, picking at his burger wearing a light smirk to himself, his hair was messed and tousled and tangled. I sighed and went to sit near him. "Hey," I greeted shyly as I stood near him. He looked up with a slight smile. "This seat taken?" I asked.

"No," he grinned, scraping his teeth against his bottom lip and flicking his hair back. "Why don't you take it?" He offered. I nodded a little.

"I'd like that," I smiled at him, my cheeks a light pink as I placed down my red food tray. "So, I've never seen you around before," I began, talking with him, mister mysterious.

"Uhm, no. You wouldn't have. I'm new, I'm from Jersey originally but my dad has a job here for a year, we've been struggling to find one for a while. We go where the work is," he shrugged.

"Oh, my dad teaches at the school," I smiled at him.

"Really? What does he teach?" he asked me. His hair was tousled lightly, on the back of his hand was doodles of musical notes, notes I of course recognized instantly. His eyes were a beautiful auburn color with a tinge of deep emerald green. His hair was a light chocolate brown, complimenting his hair like frosting to cake. He beamed at me, making his eyes sparkle like glitter.

"He- he uh, he teaches music," I smiled at him, blushing. "Mainly keyboard, but he does a little ukulele too with my help." He almost choked on his orange juice. I looked at him concerned, "You okay?"

"Yeah," he coughed. "You play ukulele?"

"I love it, I play a few instruments, but ukulele is my favorite to play. It just sounds amazing."

"I'm a piano man myself," he admitted, wearing a happy smirk. "How many instruments?"

"Like, nine." I shrugged like it was no big deal. His eyes widened and this time, he choked on air.

"Nine?!" I nodded.

"Yeah, how about you?"

"2: Piano and guitar," he smiled at me, blushing a little shyly. I grinned at him.

"Hey... do you write? You can stay back after school, we can use my dads stuff..." I spoke nervously, shuffling my feet under the table. He nodded, his eyes twinkling with an unknown emotion.

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