6.2 • Bae

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"Meg!" Jojo whisper-shouted as I ran away like a small child who doesn't want to do something.

"No!" I protested, "I don't want to!"

"But you have to!" She reasoned, I carried on running away. "Meghan!" I turned my head and stuck my tongue out at her as I continued to run. I wasn't looking where I was going, and so I crashed into someone I didn't know was there. "Karma's a bitch," I heard Jojo speak breathlessly. I huffed, now a heap on the ground on top of whoever it was I had crashed into.

"You okay?" The voice asked. His hands had settled on my waist to steady me and his eyebrows were creased with concern. I nodded silently. "I'm glad," he smiled. He helped me get up and then stood up himself, smoothing out his t-shirt and jeans. "I'm Charlie," he introduced himself, holding out his hand.

I took his hand and shook it lightly. "Meghan," I responded, blushing. "Sorry for running into you," I apologised. "I was running a away from -" I turned to glare at Jojo who batted her eyelashes innocently. "- Someone."

He laughed. "Well, if ever you fall again. Here is my number..." He pulled out a pen and started writing numbers on my arm. "I'm only one call away," he winked, and strolled off wearing a smile.

"Did that just..? I think that just happened!" I turned to Jordan and saw her stood there with a bemused expression. She smiled widely at me and pulled me into a hug.

"He was cute," she nodded, grinning. I couldn't do anything but smile warmly in response. "Okay but -" she grabbed my arm tight enough that even if I struggled I wouldn't get free but was careful no to hurt me. "Now that I've got you..." I groaned.

After Jordan forced me to go to Starbucks with her at 2am, I sat in my bus alone, just thinking. Thinking about that mysterious guy who stopped me from falling and hurting myself, the guy who had written his number on my arm.

I'm only one call away.

I glanced at my arm, and saw the numbers written in black ink. Each one slightly smudged but still readable. I sighed, pulling out my phone to put the number in before it got smudged to the point I couldn't read his writing. I put him under the contact name, 'One Call Away', and then flicked my phone off. I huffed, pulling myself up and dragging myself to the bedroom, as it was now 4am. But just as I was about to lay down, somebody knocked at the door.

"Goddamnit Jojy, I swear to god if that's you I am not coming to the Starbucks again this late because you think the cashiers cute!" I opened the door and gulped. Not Jojo.

"Hey," the guy smirked, seeming a bit nervous. "Your friend told me you were here. I know it's late, but your light was on and I could hear you walking around when I got closer. Do you wanna go somewhere?" He asked, now a lot more nervous as he stumbled over his words.

"Yeah, let's go. That sounds fun," I grinned. Yes, it was late. Yes, I was sleep deprived. No, it was not a good idea to go out with a total stranger at 4am and have no idea where, but I felt at ease with him. He grinned and took my hand to help me out of the bus. We walked to the park, talking about random things. It was nice, and refreshing. I hadn't had even a hint of romance recently, so just walking side by side with Charlie was new and I liked it. We sat on the swing set, laughing and talking about nothing of any importance. I never wanted to move. I never wanted to go back to reality; Charlie made me feel like we were the only people in existence and it was a feeling I relished entirely.

"Wanna go for a drive?" he suggested, and I looked at him skeptically. "What?" he asked putting his hands up in surrender and I couldn't help but laugh a little.

"How do I know you're not going to drive me to some remote location and kill me," I questioned with a raised eyebrow.

He laughed. "Okay," he started. "Because... yes, I know I've come off a little creepy-"

"A little? Dude, I bumped into you, you wrote your number on my arm, and then found my tour bus at 4am. That screams creepy," I told him, chuckling.

"Okay, okay... a lot creepy." I nodded, satisfied. "But I really like you, and there's somewhere I really want you to see," he begged, and the shine in his gorgeous eyes was making him irresistible.

"Oh, fine!" I caved, unable to not melt at his childish, triumphant grin. "But I swear to god, if you're a pervert or something, I'll kick your ass," I warned.

"I don't doubt it," he smirked, getting up and taking my hand. "M'lady," he said with a small now when I took it, and I laughed. He didn't let go of my hand the whole time we were walking.

"Nice car," I commented when I saw it. It was a white Lamborghini, with red leather seats on the interior and a black dashboard and gearbox. It really was a nice car, and it made me wonder how he can afford it.

"Thanks," he smiled, opening the passenger side door for me to get in. I got in and put on the seatbelt uneasily. There was a guy I barely knew, taking me somewhere in a car I could barely afford, at almost 5am. "I'm not going to murder you or anything," he smiled, chuckling. I jumped, I'd been so lost in my thoughts that he was in fact going to kill me that I hadn't noticed him getting in the car with me.

"What?" I tried to play it cool. "Pfft, where would you get that from?"

"Beside the fact I haven't told you I have money, or that we're in a car park that looks like it's come straight out of a horror movie?" he chuckled, looking at me with a bemused expression. For the first time, I looked around at the car park. Yup, horror movie potential right here. It was a closed off area, with tall trees secluding it from any form of civilisation. Plus, we're the only people here.

"I barely noticed," I laughed nervously. He shook his head while smirking, then turned on the car, the engine roaring to life. He pulled out of the car park, and to the dimly lit, empty street. We went slowly at first, while the roof folded so the car became a convertible. Then, he blasted some music as he sped up. "How do you a afford a car like this?" I shouted over the wind whipping past my ears.

"What?" he shouted back. "I can't hear you, tell me when we stop!" We drove for another few minutes, before Charlie started to slow down. We were in another car park, but it wasn't nearly as cornered off as the previous one, and I could see a camera in the distance. "I'm not going to kill you!" he laughed again, then he grabbed my hand and put on a serious face. "Promise."

We got out of the car, and Charlie held my hand as he led me to wherever it was he was taking me. Finally, after five or so tense minutes walking through a forest, we reached a small opening. It was breathtaking. The blue water from the small spring glistened under the sliver of moonlight, and the sunrise was making flickers of orange and red dance across the sky. "Charlie," I breathed. "The view... It's beautiful."

"It is," he agreed, but when I looked at him, he was looking at me, not the scenery around him. I blushed. "You're cute when you blush," he commented, stroking my flaming cheek with his index finger softly. Then he withdrew his hand and looked out at the small waterfall that was crashing into the clear, blue water. "You're really beautiful, Meghan," he said sincerely, and I felt fire tingle my cheeks again. "Y'know that?"

"Thank you," I said, peeling my eyes from his face and looking at the beauty surrounding me. "You're not so bad yourself," I commented, giggling. He laughed a little and then smirked, and I could see from the corner of my eye, he was watching me, but not in a creepy way. I pulled out my phone and took a picture, then posted it on Instagram with the caption: 'when bæ brings you here 😍❤️'

"So I'm now?" asked Charlie, smirking.

"Depends," I responded.

"On what?"

"Am I going to see you again?"

"You most certainly are," he winked. "Bæ," he added, chuckling, and I couldn't help but laugh too.

A/N: I went to Alton Towers with my school on Friday, and even though it crashed, The Smiler was my favourite ride there by far! Also, if anyone really cares, because this is my final week at school, I have to say a kind of goodbye to my favourite teachers that I might never get again *tear*, but when I finish school, you guys might get updates more frequently... I had a French test today too, and I totally flopped .-.

Stay Strong lovelies,
- Faye x

P.S: Do you guys think I'm bitter or mean or anything..? Someone said I was, and I want to know what you guys think of me..

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