2.5 • Magazine

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Tonight was just another night for Charlie Puth. Another night on tour; go on, go through the set, end the show, meet and greet, a bite to eat somewhere and a coffee, home, TV, sleep. Simple.

Tonight was just another night for Meghan Trainor. Another night of seeing Charlie Puth; get ready, watch his set, wait while he does his meet and greets, then get some food and go our separate ways. Simple loneliness.

Little did they know, tonight was most certainly not just another night. Tonight would change the rest of forever.

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"Hey Char Char," Meghan greeted down the phone after he picked up.

"Hey Meg, what's up?"

"What time does your show start?" she asked sheepishly, "I forgot..." He laughed his perfect laugh.

"It starts at nine, but fans always end up blocking the back entrance by about 8 so, I'd come a little after 7."
Meghan was about to say something more when a stagehand came to speak with Charlie. It was all a little incoherent and fuzzy, but she heard something along the lines of:
"You have sound check."
"Like right now?"
"Like right now."
"No buts, Charlie. You have 5 minutes to be there, or else."
Meghan could tell that in that moment Charlie would want nothing more than to roll his eyes and say the cliche 'or else what?' but he didn't. From the tone of that stagehand, that was probably a good thing.

"Hey Megs, I gotta go."

"I know, I'll see you later Char," she smiled.

"Okay, bye."

"Bye." Then the line went dead. She kept the phone pressed to her ear though. Why? She doesn't know. Maybe for the hope that if she waits for long enough that he'd come back to here. Sadly though, that didn't happen. She sighed and pulled the phone from her ear, setting it on the table next to the couch. She closed her eyes and yawned, pulling Biggie to her. "Oh Bigz," she sighed, "What am I going to do?" Quite obviously, Biggie did not respond to her owner, just sat looking at her with wide eyes. Very slowly, Meghan's eyelids grew weighted and they lowered to a close, hiding her green eyes from the world.

Charlie's sound check went great. No issues, everything was working and in the right place. Perfect for tonight's show. He tried ringing Meghan, but it went to voicemail.
"She must be busy" he thought "But she never doesn't answer... I hope she's okay"
However, this was just the spark that ignited the fire of doubt in Charlie's mind. The fire spread rapidly, until it was almost engulfing him.
What if she's not okay?
What if something really bad happened?
What if I'm too late to be her superman?
At this, he dashed out of the venue, calling a quick "I'LL BE BACK LATER!" to his manager. But he was gone before anyone could say anything in earshot.

He knocked frantically on the door. No response. Her car was there... he tried the handle. Unlocked. He twisted it and pushed open the door. He refrained from shouting, somehow. He wandered the house in a deep state of panic before he checked the living room.

Literally the last place he checked.

There, on the cream couch, lay Meghan. Her blonde hair was flowing in tangles behind her, her green eyes were hidden from view, but he could imagine them staring into his own. Her face was clear of makeup, exposing to him her natural beauty. And damn did she look good. Her lips were slightly parted and she was breathing heavily. He didn't want to wake her, but he knew he had to. He gently shook her awake. "Hey Meg?"

"Hmm?" she mumbled tiredly.

"You gotta wake up, it's already 6."

"Oh.." She wiped the sleep from her eyes, sitting up. Biggie looked up, startled awake. "Sorry Bigz," she apologized to the small, white dog that was lay on her chest. Charlie chuckled. "

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