6.3 • Must Be Love

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I was sitting at the mall with my friends on a Monday.

"Hey guys," I sighed, sitting down. They waved and smiled at me, having already said hi. "Ash, I love your hair!" I complimented, admiring her new hairstyle. It was cut shorter than before, with slightly darker highlights running through it.

"Thanks Meg!" She grinned. "How's life at home?" She questioned, knowing that recently me and my dad have been having issues. I sighed, and just looked down solemnly rather than answering. "Again?" she asked softly, and I nodded, pulling up my sleeve and showing her the bruise he'd left. "This has to stop."

"I know," I spoke, looking up to meet her gaze. "I'm working on it." She gave me a skeptical look; I'd said that a million times before. "I will, Ashley, I promise. She shook her head, obviously not believing me and then I caught Emmy looking at me like she didn't believe me either. "Emmy," I whined. "I will," I said defiantly, and she smiled sympathetically at me.

Saying I was gonna leave this town, leave this town; run away.

"Meghan," Emmy started. "You can't blame us for not believing you... what he's doing to you is wrong and cruel, and you always say you'll put a stop to it just to put our minds at ease. You need to get out of there," said Emmy sincerely, a sad smile on her lips.

"I know," I sighed, rubbing my temples. "It's just... hard." They nodded in understanding, Ashley pursing her lips. "Can we change the topic?" I asked quietly, my head hurting from the thoughts racing though it. Emmy nodded, and elbowed Ashley when she started to shake her head.


"Sure," Emmy interjected, shooting Ashley a glare and cutting her off. "What do you want to talk about?" she asked, sipping at her Starbucks and casually twirling some of her blonde hair around her finger.

"What about that piece of man candy?" Ashley said, smirking and ogling someone.

But then you walked in, and I think my heart just skipped a beat

He was breathtaking. Messy, slightly long auburn hair, a white t-shirt and grey ripped jeans. A small smirk was stretched across his lips, making his nose crinkle slightly and his eyes lit up. He was walking with one earphone in, the other hanging near his belt.

One look and everything just froze.

His eyes caught mine for one, fleeting second, but in that one second; everything on earth ceased to exist but me, and this frustratingly attractive boy. "Meg." I heard vaguely in the background. "Meghan Elizabeth Trainor I swear to God-"

"What?" I cut Ashley off, my voice sounding a little more harsh than anticipated. Ashley eyes widened slightly in shock and her lips parted, obviously not expecting such a bitter response from her best friend.

"Oh no she didn't!" Emmy laughed, a smirk flitting across her lips as she spoke. Emmy's response broke the tension, as me and Ashley couldn't help but laugh at our best friend.

I caught Ash's gaze for a second, and stopped laughing, but smiled at her instead. "Sorry," I mouthed to her, making a small heart with my fingers when Emmy looked away. She shook her head with a gentle grin, to show me it was fine. My eyes wandered away from our table, and attempted to find that boy, with the messy hair, but any attempt was in vain. I huffed, turning back to face the table and messing with my hands. Whoever he was - wherever he was - he made my heart jump.

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