0.1 • Dear Meghan Trainor

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*(Hello! I'm Faye, and I want to just say that: Yes, this is really awful. I know this; I am aware of this, but I can't seem to delete it, I don't want to edit it either because this was my start to Wattpad. So yeah, it sucks, but they get better I swear!! Please, read other chapters. Give my story a chance, haha.
Side Note : The grammar is so bad on the first few, I don't know how anyone read it! Oops...)*

Meghan was on the tour bus. They were on their way to San Antonio. Everyone was the living area watching TV, Meghan had pizza. "Hey Meg, can I talk to you in private for a minute?" He asked her quietly, she nodded. Charlie.  They walked over to her bunk and sat side by side on it. "What's up?" She asked Charlie calmly. Well at least she's calm, he thought to himself. Charlie was shaking. "Look, I know this could make things awkward but I can't keep this to myself anymore, I just can't, like, I just..." He trailed off, scratching the back of his head. "Hey, Charlie, calm down, whatever you're about to say, take a minute think about it, then tell me." She told him comfortingly, it's what her mom used to tell her when she got nervous about public speaking. "Okay." He breathed, closing his eyes for about 10 seconds before speaking again. "Okay, Meghan, look. We've only known each other, like, 8 months. But, I think I've fallen in love with you." He finished, she was stunned into silence. "Look, I, can't help it. It's just you're so damn gorgeous, and I know this'll make things really awkward, so I can go if you want, or just like, stay away from you, I'll get over it, I mean, like not instantly but eventually I wi-" She cut him off by pressing her lips against his. They broke apart. "You talk a lot when you're nervous." She laughed. "Yeah." He chuckled. "I love you too." She whispered in his ear with a smirk before heading back to the living area, leaving him dumbfounded in her bunk.

-Later that night-

Meghan was lay in her bunk, smiling. Charlie felt the same. She was replaying today's events in her mind. "I love you too." She'd whispered. She was grinning from ear to ear now. Her and Charlie were, well, together. Or were they? Now Meghan was just confused. She was about to text Charlie when he appeared at her bunk door. "Hey." He greeted. "Hi." She smiled to him, moving over so he could sit down. "Meghan, I'm confused." He sighed. She had a feeling she knew what was coming, and tried to stifle her laughter. "I mean, are we together or what?" She laughed, Charlie was confused. The look on his face just made her laugh more. "What's up?" He asked, becoming nervous. "I.. was... just... thinking.. that." She managed. He was still confused. "Okay?" Her laughing eventually died down.

"Well, I mean, I want us to be a thing, obviously, clearly. But if you're not ready, then, I can wait." Charlie said. He was so sweet, he loved her to pieces but he willing to wait, for her. It just warmed her heart. She kissed him. "I want this. I want us." She whispered into his ear. He grinned. She lay down on her side in the bunk. It was night, and damn was she tired. He lay down next to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. She snuggled into him. "Dear Meghan Trainor, here's a few things I'll need to know if I wanna be you're one and only all your life." He sung quietly in here ear. She smiled a little more. "Dear Meghan Trainor, if I wanna get that special lovin', I gotta tell you you're beautiful each and every night. After every fight, I'll apologize and maybe then you'll try and let me rock your body right, even if you were wrong, I know you're never wrong, why'd I disagree, why-why'd I disagree? I gotta know how to treat you like a lady, even when you're acting crazy, I'll tell you everything's all right." He sung to her and loved him even more; if that was possible. "You're beautiful." He whispered in her ear. Then she fell asleep. He stayed awake watching her for a little while (not in a creepy way, in a, cute admiring sorta way). "I love you." He muttered in her ear, before kissing her on the forehead and falling off to sleep himself.


A/N: Short, I know. But I had to write this down so, here it is.

meghan trainor oneshots // m.tTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang