5.6 • Stay

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I looked out of the window at the weather outside. Lightening shot through the sky, illuminating it for just a second before the light dwindled back into darkness. The rain pounded against the window like an angry ocean wave crashing over and over. Thunder growled loudly and made me jump when it happened unexpectedly. I rested my head against the cool glass and shut my eyes for a few moments. The throbbing in my head subsided a little. I sighed and let my eyes flicker open and stare out into the blackness. Fog had seeped into the air making it difficult to see very far. The rain sounded like pellets on the glass.

My house was deserted and eerily quiet. There was always something going on in my house, whether it's as simple as Ryan snoring from a few doors down or the patter of Biggie's paws on the glossy wood floor or even the TV playing a show or movie that nobody's watching. But tonight there was no Ryan, or Biggie, and the TV screen was black. The only light in the room was the light seeping in through the kitchen, casting a dim glow over the entire room.

I was sat on the windowsill with a pillow propped behind my back. I was curled up in a blanket, just looking out at the dismal weather. Suddenly, amongst the darkness, two bright, shining lights. They'd started out so dim I hadn't believed they we real. I told myself my mind was playing tricks on me because of how dark it is outside. But as they got brighter, and clearer, they became a like a slight beacon of hope. After the God-awful day I'd had they provided light amongst the black. I had to shut my eyes when the throbbing in my head was inflamed by the piercing beam of the headlights. I heard a car door close and footsteps thudding on the floor until a knock echoed throughout the entire house. With the blanket still wrapped around me, I forced myself to stand up, and ambled over to the large front door. I heard the quiet click of the door as it unlocked and then pulled it open. "Charlie," I uttered, confused. He offered me a lopsided grin and a shrug of his shoulder.

"Can I come in?" He asked. He wasn't in the rain anymore, but the jacket he was wearing was soaked through and he was shivering. I nodded, moving out of the way so he could walk in. He stepped in, shivering as a blast of warm hair hit him. "The weathers great!" He joked and I giggled a little.

"Isn't it?"

He put on a British accent, "It's absolutely splendid!" I laughed at his pitiful attempt of a British accent, so hard that I had to clutch my stomach and regain my breath. When I looked at Charlie, he too was recovering. He took off his dripping wet jacket and put it on the porch which was sheltered. He slipped off his shoes and grabbed my hand, pulling me into the kitchen. "Hot chocolate?" He questioned, pulling out all the things he'd need to make one. I just nodded my head and sat on one of the stools for my breakfast bar. He moved around the kitchen like he lived here, grabbing one thing and another from different cupboards. He was making a hot chocolate look very technical. Until eventually, he placed my cup in front of me, with whipped cream and marshmallows and little chocolate sprinkles. I looked at him, unsure. "You'll love it," he assured, proudly grinning at me. I waited a minute or two for it cool down before I took a sip. Immediately, I got the taste of hazelnut and chocolate, like Nutella.

"Where did you learn to make this, I need it in my life!" I laughed, taking another sip. He chuckled at me and tapped his nose.

"I'll never tell!" He chuckled his deep chuckle and dragged his bottom lip between his pearl-white teeth. He grinned at me. "Movie?"

I nodded, "Movie sounds good." We finished sipping our hot chocolates over a light conversation about how we'd been in the weeks since we'd seen each other. Then we left our cups in the kitchen sink and settled down on the couch to watch a film. We sat on opposite ends of the couch, me with a blanket tightly wrapped around myself to block out the cold that had seeped into my house from the outside, despite the fact that the heating was on.

"What film?" He asked, turning to look into my eyes with his shining caramel ones. I didn't notice until now that they had a hint of jade green like my own running through them. They were beautiful. "Meg?"

"Huh? Oh, I don't know. Anything."

"Have you seen Captain America: The Winter Soldier?" He asked, after he'd found it on Netflix. I shook my head no.

"Is that the second one?" He nodded. "I haven't even seen the first one," I laughed sheepishly.

"You've not lived, Ms Trainor! You've not lived!" He laughed and I giggled as he found the first one; Captain America: The First Avenger and put it on. The film started and I shuffled a little closer to Charlie. As the film progressed, I shuffled a little more until Charlie noticed me and pulled me right next to him so my head was on his shoulders and I shifted my legs so that they were across his. When it got to the point where Steve met Peggy my heart warmed. Then when Steve was getting the serum injected into him and Peggy interjected my heart was almost exploding. Throughout the film my eyes were becoming heavier and harder to keep open. When the film came to an end, and I'd dried my eyes, I dropped off into a very light sleep. I felt Charlie pick my up and walk slowly, and carefully upstairs. He pushed the blanket back and laid me down, then he took off my shoes.

"You don't have to do this, Char," I whispered. He nodded with a smirk.

"I know. It's just the gentleman I am," he laughed softly. I smiled lightly. He pulled the blanket over me. Then he smoothed the hair out of my face and pressed a lingering kiss against my forehead. "Goodnight, Meg." I shook my head and clutched a fistful of his flannel shirt in my hand stopping him. He turned to face me confused as I muttered just one word:


A/N: I just got 1K votes and I'm pretty proud of myself 😂

Stay strong lovelies,
- Faye x

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