0.5 • I wanna show you something (Pt. 2)

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-=Meghan's POV=-

I wake up in Charlie's arms and I smile, he looks so cute when he sleeps. I shake him slightly. "Charlie." I whisper. He stirs.
"Hmm? What's up?" He mutters, still pretty much asleep.
"Wake up."
"No." Then I do something I never thought I'd do, maybe it was because I was half asleep, or maybe it was because he was, I don't really know. I pressed a gentle kiss against his lips. His eyes shot open in shock. He relaxed into the kiss.
"If I'm dreaming, that was cruel, dream Meghan." He mumbles, his eyes closing again. I kiss him again.
"Nope, totally and utterly real."
"Hey Meg?"
"Kiss me again?" He whispers, sending shivers up my spine.
"Always." This time when I kiss him he's more awake, more into the kiss; deepening it, adding fuel to the fire. He rolled on top of me, kissing down my neck. He lifted my shirt over my head and continued going down with his kisses. Soon my skirt's gone, as is his shirt and pants. "Charlie." I mutter between kisses.
"Hmm?" I push on his chest slightly.
"I know we're in the middle of nowhere but, we're semi-naked and full on making out next to a window. A paparazzi guy sees this and he'll be like a kid in a candy store." I chuckle slightly. He pulls me up off the couch and against the wall.

"Jump." I do as he says and coil my legs around his waist. He carries me up the bedroom, god knows where the hell my bra is. Then we're on the bed, fully naked and well... I don't need to elaborate on all the other details, but I will say this, he is amazing in bed.

"Morning." I hear him mutter into my hair.
"Yeah, yeah, 5 more minutes." We try to fall back asleep, which wouldn't have been hard, we were tangled together and totally happy. Just so damn blissfully happy. But of course, rest is none existent for the rich and famous. My phone rings. I groan, I want to throw it at that wall on the other side of the room. It turn in Charlie's arms and glance at my phone. It's Kelsey.

"Hey Kelsey, what's up?" I ask sleepily.
"WHAT'S UP?" She screams into the phone.
"Jeez Kels, chill I just woke up." I complain. I'm pretty sure it made Charlie jump too, and she wasn't even on speaker.
"Wherever you are, do you have a TV?"

"Yes." Duh.
"Turn it on."
"Just do it." I mumble a fine and grab one of Charlie's shirts and make my way downstairs.
"What channel?" I ask as I'm turning on the TV.
"It doesn't matter girl, it's everywhere."
"What is?"
"You'll see." I finally figure out how to turn on the TV and Charlie comes and hugs me from behind, resting his head on top of mine. The TV flashes and it's on, what looks like the news on the screen.

"Could Marlie be real?" The news reporter, who is a brunette speaks. "Well, yes, it's very likely that #Marlie is real. Meghan Trainor and Charlie Puth were spotted in a house, behind locked doors, getting it on, just like they say it in the song. Many of Meghan and Charlie's fans have been shipping the two as '#Marlie' for months." A picture flashes across the flat screen. It's a picture of me and Charlie from yesterday, I'm pushed up against the wall with Charlie's hands either side of me and we're kissing, not yet naked or semi-naked, but Charlie's  shirtless and my shirt looks very close to being forgotten. I gasp.
"This is not happening."
"Fans all over the world have taken to social media, creating and confirming rumors about the pair." The news reporter continues. Angry tears well in my eyes. I flicked the TV off. The whole time Charlie hasn't let go of me, his arms are wrapped tightly around my waist.
"This is not happening." I repeat in a whisper. I hear my phone beside me, Kelsey is shouting.
"Hey Kels." I pick up the phone again, putting it on speaker, holding back sobs.
"Meghan, are you with Charlie, yes or no?" I look at Charlie, he nods gently.
"Yes." I whisper.
"Ryan is gonna kill you." I figured.
"You're parents have called him like 10 times asking if it's true." It is true, but, I don't want this, the drama.
"Get it out there that it's photoshopped. Me and Charlie will put it on our social media stuff, you and Ryan, get it out there it's photoshopped. Go!" I practically shout down the phone. I open Instagram and use the picture that was taken, putting,
"Hey Megatronz! I don't how this picture got out there but it's FAKE! Totally photoshopped, there is nothing going on between me and Charlie! I'm sorry to all you #Marlie shippers out there, but it's totally not real, me and Charlie are just friends, love you all <3"

Charlie did similar on his. We got loads of positive responses telling us that whoever photoshopped it would pay. We laughed at this. Charlie cooked us dinner, it was amazing. He's actually a really good cook, he should cook more often it was the best. Maybe not quite as good as pizza, but it's nearly there; and that's saying something!

After dinner we snuggled on the sofa and watched TV, all the news reports were filled with the totally real 'fake' image. We watch a film and start making out again mid-way through. "I could go for round two." He muttered between kisses, I just nodded breathlessly, this time though the curtains were closed. We made sure.
"Meghan?" Charlie asked me, we were cuddled up naked in the bed, just enjoying the others warmth and company.
"Yeah?" I yawned.
"My nan - who owned this place - she said to me 'only bring the girl you know is the one.' I think I did good." He admitted. My heart skipped, did he just say I was the one? I grinned to myself.
"I think so too."


A/N: Here you go! Much drama, haha. A little shorter than my others though. If it's rubbish and there's lots of typos it's because I skipped a night of sleep because I really need to fix my sleep-schedule, I go through this again after a good nights sleep and fix it all up.

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