0.4 • I wanna show you something (Pt.1)

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"Meghan." I whine.
"What?" She says, copying my tone with a slight chuckle at the end.
"I wanna show you something."
"What do you wanna show me?"
"It's a surprise."
"Then no." She laughs. "Tell me what it is or no."
"That's so unfair." I complain.
"I know." She smirks. I whisper in her ear that I'm desperate. I really want to show her this.

Me and Meghan are friends, but, I love her. I am so god damn head over heels for her. I won't tell her though, I plan on tonight, but so far that isn't going so well. I just hope she feels the same because we're really good friends and me telling her will ruin it; well, if she doesn't feel the same.

"Ugh, fine." She caves. "But only because I have nothing better to do... But it better be good!"
I smile. "Thanks." She smiles back. We're on tour right now. The MTrain tour, and it's great, but we stopped for a weeks break, Meghan's voice isn't doing so good, she can still talk, and sing, but the doctor said excessive vocal use, like singing on a tour, will tip it over the edge and she'll have another hemorrhage. All the dancers went back home for a little while since we were just on the outskirts of LA. Meghan was going back to see her brothers soon and I was going back to my apartment.
"Come on then." She laughs, dragging me up off the couch in the living area in the tour bus. We hail a cab and take our seat in the back. "So, where are we going Puth?" She asks curiously.
"My house."
"You have a house?"
"Yeah. I'll explain when we get there."
After about 10 minutes we arrive at a three story house with white fencing surrounding it and beautiful high windows, it wasn't around any other houses and it was pretty isolated from the city too. I don't know why I don't come her more often honestly. I hear Meghan gasp beside me.
"This is beautiful."
"Yeah." I agree as I unlock the door with the heavily unused key on my key chain. We step inside to a gorgeously decorated entrance hallway that has archways leading into the huge living area and a large open plan kitchen. It's a five bedroom house with three bathrooms. It really is magnificent.
"How can you afford this place?"
"My gran passed away a few years ago and left this place to me. Gave me the key on her death bed and told me to live with my family here." I smile sadly, remembering it as though it were yesterday.


"Hey gran." I greeted, walking through the doors into her dull hospital room.
"Charlie." She greeted. I smiled and took a seat next to her.
"How are you?" I asked. I knew what the answer would be, she had several machines hooked up to her and her face was a deathly white. I was just so scared to lose her.
"Not good, son. I don't have long left."
"Don't speak like that, you could still get better, you could-" She cut me off, I had angry tears welling up in my eyes. I was just so scared.
"No son. These doctors, they're just delaying the inevitable. I'm gonna leave you, and soon at that. That's why I asked you here." She stated, I knew she was right, no matter how much I denied it. She placed a key in my hand. "This is the key to my house. An old one, I've not been in it for years. When you're mother had you I moved down so I could see you more, and the twins." I was beginning to choke up, but I was determined not to let the tears fall; for her. "Anyway, you keep this key son, you keep it with you, and when you find the girl that you're gonna spend the rest of your life with, take her there. Show her this house, tell her about me, about how you got the key. Live here when you have kids of your own, put a swing set in the back garden. I've decorated it, well, I've had people decorating it, with more modern stuff. It's fully refurbished. A nursery, a little girls room, a little boys room, a master bedroom and a guest one. It's a nice place Charlie son, but only take one girl there, only take the girl you know is the one, you got it?" She asks me, I nod, tears falling freely from my eyes now. "Now Charlie, tell me in words, only the girl you know you're going to marry; going to spend the rest of your life with. That's the only girl I want to know about me; to know about my house. The girl that stole the heart of my Charlie."
"I promise." I croak, tears still spilling from my eyes. "I'll only ever take the girl that steals my heart." I speak sincerely.
"And promise me you won't give up on music either, son, that's a part of you I don't ever want you to let go of." I just nodded my head gently, no longer trusting my voice. "Good." She nodded, satisfied, "I can go now. Bye Charlie, son."
"No." I shake my head ferociously.
"Go Charlie, go. I want you to go now. Go back to your apartment and play a song on that piano of yours. Think of me while you're doin' it." I don't say anything; I just stay sat next to her in silence. "Go." She says hoarsely, ushering me out of the room. "And Charlie, don't you ever forget about me, you hear?"
"Good." She lays back and closes her eyes. I walk slowly to my car, the events of what just happened replaying in my mind.

If I knew that it would be the last time words escaped her mouth, the last time her eyes closed; opened, the last time she breathed and the last time her heart beat, I would've stayed. But I didn't. And I left her.
We got the call a day later. "She's gone."

-Flashback Over-

It's Meghan, she's shaking my shoulder.
"Hmm?" I ask, looking up at her.
"That's the fourth time I've said you're name, what's up?"
"Just... thinking." I smiled.
"About what?"
"Doesn't matter."
"If you're sure." She says uncertainly.
"I'm sure." I smile. I lead her to the living area. "Let's watch a film." I suggest. She nods.
"Is there any pizza?" She frowns.
"Already ordered it." I grinned, feeling rather proud of myself. As if on cue the doorbell rings. I take the pizza and pay the delivery guy. I made my way back into the room to see Meghan with a film in hand. She was trying to set it up on the flat screen TV. I set the pizza down. "Here." I say, taking the film from her hand and popping it into the TV. The film starts and Meghan shuffles over to me and rests her head on my shoulder and sighed happily.
"Only bring the girl you know is the one." My grans voice echoes in my head, and looking down at Meghan I know I made the right choice.


A/N: Hey! Okay so two things.
1) I have a second part in mind for this but only if you guys want it, there will be a lot more Marlie, comment if you want it or not please :D
2) I finished writing this and was about to move onto my A/N when I pressed the wrong button accidentally and the whole part was gone, I literally had a heart attack, lol, I reloaded the page and it came back thank god, just thought I'd share haha.

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