3.3 • Break Me (Pt. 2)

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"Kid, you'll move mountains!" -Dr Suess

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"You've done it once, Charlie, you won't do it again. I won't let you break me."  

Charlie's POV

Meghan.... Meghan said no. One month's passed. Could be two. Hell, it could even be three. It's not like I'm counting. Hailee and I's relationship is crumbling like a brick wall under a sledgehammer. I sat on my bed, scrolling through my twitter. Getting busy, doing nothing. Going nowhere, it's really something. (A/N: If anyone gets this song reference you're officially my new best friend, okay? Okay.) 

She's on my mind. Every day, every night. Meghan Trainor. 

Oh, there she goes again,
Every morning it's the same
You walk on by my house
I wanna call out your name

I want to tell you how beautiful you are from where I'm standing
You got me thinking what we could be 'cause

I keep craving, craving, you don't know it but it's true
Can't get my mouth to say the words they want to say to you
This is typical of love
Can't wait anymore, I won't wait, I need to tell you how I feel when I see us together forever

In my dreams you're with me
We'll be everything I want us to be
And from there, who knows, maybe this will be the night that we kiss for the first time
Or is that just me and my imagination

We walk, we laugh, we spend our time walking by the ocean side
Our hands are gently intertwined
A feeling I just can't describe
All this time we spent alone, thinking we could not belong to something so damn beautiful
So damn beautiful

I keep craving, craving, you don't know it, but it's true
Can't get my mouth to say the words they want to say to you
This is typical of love
Can't wait anymore, I won't wait I need to tell you how I feel when I see us together forever

In my dreams, you're with me
We'll be everything I want us to be
And from there, who knows, maybe this will be the night that we kiss for the first time
Or is that just me and my imagination...

I jotted down the lyrics. Oh, Meghan Trainor. The things you do to me. It kills me, it kills me that she's so fucking happy with Cameron, it kills me inside. My music is always about her, I'm only One Call Away and I'd love to Marvin Gaye and get it on with her. She makes me suffer and it's some kind of love, just not the good kind. Her mind is a tangled mess of broken heart strings and shattered memories while mine is exactly the same. We broke each other. Huh, what a beautiful tragedy; the best kind of heartbreak. Truly. 

My phone buzzed. Hailee. 

H - Hey babe, where you at? X 

I ignored it. I know, it's bad. But right now, I'm sat watching South Park, remembering all the times me and Meg sat in onesie's, pulling all nighters with endless supplies of junk food. I miss her being under my arm, falling asleep snuggled up into my side. I miss her smell, her beautiful green eyes brimming with sparkling mischief before she did something she'd soon regret. I missed her. Just... her. In all her glory. My phone, once again made a sound. A ding this time. 

'meghan_trainor just posted a photo' 

I pressed it. It took me to a picture of her alone, the caption reading: 

"There comes a time when you have to let go of the ones you love, so that they can spread their wings and fly. I love and miss you baby, good luck X"

Wait... her and Cameron... aren't? Yes! I mean, I shouldn't be celebrating her further heartbreak but... she's not with him anymore. They're broken up. They're not together. My girl, is no longer his girl. All. Mine. 

There was a knock at my door. I ignored it at first, wishing to be left alone. But, the person persisted. Continuously knocking at my white, oak wood door. I pulled myself up, annoyed. I twisted the door handle and quickly swung open the door." "Wha-" I began but, there she stood. Meghan Trainor. Blonde hair, green eyes. Same face, same smile. No makeup, simple clothes. Meghan Trainor. She cupped my cheeks and leaned towards me, pressing her perfect cherry-tasting lips against my own. She pulled away, I licked my lips. "Meg?" I asked, in pure disbelief. Shock etched my features and nerves her own. She was... here. In front of... me

"Yeah..." she sighed, biting her bottom lip and shuffling her feet slightly. Breaking free from my state of pure shock, I guided her face towards mine with my index finger and let the moment linger for a second. Then however, I pressed a kiss against her, heated, passion. Her kissing back just igniting the fireworks exploding throughout me. I pulled her inside, which she easily obliged to. We stumbled messily over to the couch. A heated, hot mess. I lay on the couch, pulling her on top of me. She fisted my t-shirt in her hand. Her free hand ran through my tousled hair. "Mmm, Charlie," She mumbled against my lips. She broke away from me, reluctantly. "It took my to long," she whispered, her hot breath fanning my face as she panted, attempting to regain control of her breathing in her current state of breathlessness. "Too long to realize that it wasn't you that broke me, I broke me, and... I love you." She mumbled the last part. I pecked her swollen, red lips. 

"I love you too," I whispered. She grinned. She pulled me back in, articles of clothing undone and forgotten in a matter of messy seconds. She fumbled with my button up shirt, but, we got there. It took us both too long I think. Too long for me to realize, she wasn't the one that broke me. 

A/N: Happy endings for the person who wanted it ahahaha. Hope y'all enjoyed!! I'm nearly on 11K already like whatttttt!? 

Stay Strong lovelies, 

~Faye xx

(P.S: I wrote this a few days ago, I just forgot to update it... oops. I logged on today, I now have 11k, crazy! I love you all, you keep me going <3) 

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