Final Comfrontation

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That Afternoon

Jasmine POV

Bree just told me this morning that she was pregnant. Of course I was happy for her; but I was supposed to be the one who gets married first, having kids first etc. I love Bree but somehow i'm a little bit jealous of her. She's got the perfect life and a perfect boyfriend and probably soon to be fiancee. Me, i'm just a sad cold case. I love 2 men, one more than the other. I'm afraid of telling that guy how I really and truly feel about. Kit-Kat is probably going out with the other one. I have no idea what to do. ~~~~~~~~~

Now i know what I have to do, but I couldn't just stand here and mope around like a piece of shit. I had to tell Tyga how i really feel. He's the man that i've decided to pick and be with. Don't judge me and start saying oh hes no good. But to tell you the truth at least he listens to me and doesn't rush into things. Mijo all he ever wanted from me was sex. Of course I gave it him, but I only was with him because of the misery and pain that Tyga brought me. Now I know what my decision is. I love Tyga more than Mijo.

I left my house and went down the street to Mijo's house. I owe it to him and I don't want it to feel awkward when he sees me and Tyga together. I stepped on his porch and knocked on the door. As soon as the door opened, to my surprise it was Kit-Kat. She was in nothing but a robe. I knew my dreams would have came true. I knew that they were fucking each other. Kit-Kat was surprised to see me at the front door.

Kit-Kat: Jasmine!?! What are you doing here?

Me: Me? I came here to talk to ole Mijo here. But I can see that he's all taken care of.

Kit-Kat: What are you talking about?

Me: You're sleeping with my ex-boyfriend. I guess he didn't tell you.

Kit-Kat: (folds arms) As a matter of fact, he didn't tell me alot of thing.

Me: Well good luck with the dickhead.

Mijo: I heard that!

Me: I bet you did nigga. 

Kit-Kat: Where are you going?

Me: Since you and Bree got ya'll man. I'mma go get mine.

Kit-Kat: Thats right girl! Go ahead on.

I ran down about 5 blocks down until I got to Tyga's house. Once my foot stepped on his porch, I got nervous. I thought what if he didn't feel the same way as i did? What if he doesn't care about my feelings? I cared about Tyga and i love him. I want to be with him as long as i want to. Maybe that it's forever. 

Finally I got the courage of knocking door and so i did. No answer. Second knock. No answer. Third knock. No answer. Fourth knock. No answer. Fifth knock. No answer. Sixth knock. No answer. Knocking on the door was pissing me the fuck off. But if I left, it would probably be my last chance actually getting to talk to him. So I knocked on the door one last time and he opened the door. I was like finally jesus!

Tyga: Jazz!?!

Me: Hey Ty.

Tyga: What are you doing here?

Me: I came here to talk to you.

Tyga: About us, you know. So can I come in?

Tyga: Uh sure.

Me:(walks in house) Thanks.

Tyga:(closing door) So what do you want to talk about?

Me: Okay, just hear me out.

Tyga: Alright.

Me: and me and this relationship was supposed to stop. But it hasn't and I don't want it too.

Tyga: What!?!

Me: Just listen. I'm been acting like a bitch towards you for thepast 2 months. I know that it wasn't right; i know. But the reason for that was because you hurt me. With cheating on me and trying to get me and Mijo break up. To the you the truth I was really into Mijo.

Tyga: (laughs) I figured you wouldn't be.

Me: Yea. Anyways, he was rebound guy from you. You treated me like a queen when we were together. And with him it was always about sex. My decision is that i'm chosing you Tyga. I want to be with you and only you. I love you and always have. i just hope that you feel the same way.


Me: You can talk now.

Tyga: Oh okay. I love you too. But i wouldn't want to be with me right now.

Me: And why is that?

Tyga: Cause Blac Chyna's baby is mine.

Me: See Tyga that's your problem. You have problems and you're trying to push me away. You have to remember that i'm not going anywhere.

Tyga: You sure?

Me: Yea babe.

Tyga walked up to me and gave me kiss on the lips. God how much i missed his lips. We kept kissing and he picked me up and set me down on the counter. He took of my top and I did the same. He wrapped his hands around my waist. I pushed him off me and ran upstairs to his room. He followed me cause when I turned around he slammed me against the wall. He lift my legs and started kissing my neck. Soft moans escaped my lips slowly. 

I couldn't believe what was happening right now. But I knew that this was going to be the happiest day of my life. I loved Tyga and never agin will i lose my no matter what happens.

{ Hey Everyone! So look instead of making another story as a sequel the 7 chapters will sum everything up. Bree will have the baby. More news and surprises will come up and you'll be shocked. So tell me you guys what do you guys think of Can't Be Friends, if you actually read it. 

Anyways, are you guys happy for Jazz and Tyga? Comment below}

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