Secrets Revealed

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That Afternoon

Bree POV

The doctor just told me that i was fucking pregnant. I didn't want to think about it. So i asked Jas to call Tyga, Chris, and Mijo and see if they wanted to have a little get together. With the just 5 of us. I went upstairs and washed my face. I was going to have to keep this secret between me and Jasmine. 

Me: Jas! You ready?

Jas: Yea!

We walked over to Mijo's house and saw Chris and Tyga already there. Mijo had one of his hoes there as well. But she left after 2 minutes. I guess that they were going to fuck later on i guess. 

Chris: Hey babe.

Me: Hey.

Chris gave me a kiss and it made my stomach started to get butterflies. But the good kind though. Mijo looked at us in total digust. I could see that he was never ever going to find love.

Mijo: So what do you guys want to do or talk about?

Jas: I got an idea, lets talk about you?

Mijo: What about me?

Me: Why do you only have sex and never find love?

Jas: Exactly. Thats what i want to know?

Chris: Oh shit!?!

Tyga: You noticed too huh?

Chris: Yea.


Tyga: What the fuck?

Jas: What!?! Tyga what is he talking about?

Mijo: Yea nigga i know all about your secret?

Tyga: I aint got no secrets nigga?

Mijo: You sure about that?

Jas: Tyga, what the fuck is he talking about?

Tyga: Its nothing babe.

 Mijo: Don't lie to her! Tell her all about the night before when you got drunk and fucked Blac Chyna.  Now she's claiming that you're her baby's daddy.

Jas: Are you fucking kidding me?

Tyga: Babe, it's not what you think?


Tyga:It's not what you think?

Me: Jas, calm down please. You're scaring me.

 I went in front of Jasmine as her face was turning red. She began to cry. I told Tyga that it was best that he would leave. After 2 minutes of getting Jasmine to calm down; I went over to Mijo, and gave him the "what the fuck" look.

Me: What the fuck is wrong with you?

Mijo: What!?!

Me: You just destroyed my sister's relationship.

Mijo: Whatever. The truth was bond to come out sooner or later. Besides you shouldn't be talking about me. What you need to do is talk to Chris and what the doctor told you.

Me: How the hell do you know about that?

Mijo: Its called ease-dropping duh.

Chris: What is he talking about Bree?

I turned around and Chris and I were face-to-face. My throat was getting stuck. I couldn't to bring myself to tell Chris the truth. It was hard enough that i found out; but much more worse of telling Chris. I was scared out of my fucking mind. Like seriously.

Chris: Bree what is he talking about?

Me: I went to the doctor because i wasn't feeling very well. So Jasmine took me to the doctor. Then this morning the doctor called  and revealed to me that i was....

Chris: That you were what?

Me: Umm.....ummm.....ummm

Chris: Come on babe, you can tell me. I won't get mad at you.

Me: The doctor revealed tha i was pregnant.

Chris: What!?! You're pregnant.

Me: Thats what it seems to be.

Chris: Are you for certain?

Me: Yes. I'll understand if you dont want to bew with me. You probably think that i'm just some groupie who wants your fucking money. So i'll leave then.

Jasmine and I lefft Mijo's house and went back home. In the car, i started to tear up a little bit. As soon as we got home. We both went upstairs and cried in each other's arms. It was the worst day ever. We both felt like that no one loved us anymore.

{Sad isn't it/ I know. I have good news. I want to give you guys a preview of my new story Can't Be Friends coming soon. So here it is.

I can't believe this shit! I don't know why i let Isis talk me into this. We arrived at Club Reggae. There were lots of people over there grinding, dutty whining, and Bronx Whining. Isis grabbed my hand as we headed to the dance floor. We danced to Touch Me by Ston ft. Lydia and T-Sean. While dancing 2 guys were checking us out. It was kind of flattering to have somebody finally noticed me though.

After dancing our asses off, Isis and I went over to the bar and ordered to 2 of the Jamician specials. Once we took our first sip, that shit was strong as hell.

Me: Oh shit!

Isis: I know right.

???: Excuse me ladies?

Isis and I turned around and saw a muscled man who looked fine ass hell. He had the most beautiful dark brown eyes. 

???: Sorry to interrupt but can i have a word with you?

Me: Sure.

???: I just want to say that you're so damn beautiful and I want to change your life forever.

Me: Thats sweet.

???: Did i mention that my name is....


There you go you guys. I hope this little preview of  my new story gives you guys a good sense. And i hope you guys will read it as well. Thank you guys for reading my stories.

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