The Birthday Gift

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At Home.....

Jasmine POV

Bree and I were at home packing getting ready to leave for Miami for the weekend. I was so excited and I know Bree is too. We were gonna have the time of our life. I went downstairs because i didn't want ot wait for Bree's slow ass. I saw mom on the phone with someone. I waited for her to hang up and she looked up at me.

Mom: Where are you going?

Me: Bree and I are going to Miami for her birthday.

Mom: Excuse me?


Mom: I fucking heard you. But why?

Me: Ma, it's Bree birthday. Plus, you know that she always wanted to go to Miami and she's going.

Mom: Alright. Is it for the weekend?

Me: Yea. We won't be back til next Friday.

Mom: Fine.

Mom was always the jealous type. Just because she didn't get what she wanted; she'd get this stank attitude. Mom was a spoiled fucking brat as a kid. So i really don't care. After 45 minutes of waiting, Bree finally came downstairs. She has like 3 packed bags; where as me i had 2. She was always doing the same shit.

Me: Finally, it took you long enough.

Bree: Sorry i didn't know what to bring. So i brought lots of stuff and extras just in case you run out of clothes too.

Me:Good thinking. Let's roll.

Bree: BYE MOM!

Mom: Bye bitches!

 4 Hours Later....

Bree and I were in the car on our way to the airport. Our flight was in about 2 hours. So i had to speed up a little. On our way Tyga texted me. 


Yo! Where y'all at?

Tyga-   5:15 pm


Hold Up

Nigga dn't be rushin us. We almost there, calm down

Jas- 5:19 pm


Hurry Up

STFU and hurry tf up.

Tyga- 5:23 pm



Okay whatever

Jas- 5:29 pm


We finally arrived at the airport where both Tyga and Chris were waiting for our asses. We walked up to them and gave then hugs and kisses.

Tyga: Happy birthday Bree!

Bree: Thanks.

Chris: Yea, happy b-day.

Bree: (smiles) Thanks again.

Me: We should hurry up.

Tyga: Yea.

We all rushed to our gate, and when they finally called we made it just in time. I hated planes, its kind of a fear of mine. Luckily, Tyga was there to help me. Once the flight took off i fell asleep on Tyga's shoulder. But before i could fall asleep; i spotted Bree and Chris flirting with each other, aww so cute.

Bree POV

Me, Jas, Chris, and Tyga were on a flight on our way to Miami. I was so excited. Miami is like my favorite place in the world. I had no reaseon to not be excited. On the plane, Chris and I were talking and laughing. We stayed half of the night. But he gave me something special close to me heart (literally). 

Chris: Happy Birthday.

Me: What's this?

Chris: Just open it.

I open this black suede box and inside was a diamond heart necklace. It was beautiful.{Pic on the side} 

Bree: OMG! Chris this is beautiful. Thank you.

Chris: Your welcome.

I gave him a hug and then i started tearing up a little.

Chris: (pulls away) Are you crying?

Me: It's just tears of joy. Nobody has ever done this for me before.

Chris: Then you must have been hanging out with jackasses then.

Me: (laughs) You so stupid.

I put my head on Chris' shoulders and drifted off to sleep. I was even crying in my sleep. I really think Chris is "the one." But i reall y have to know for sure. Cause you never no. I was excited for my birthday weekend. 

{Bree's B-Day Pt. 2 is coming. I just needed to explain what happens on the plane and what not. Be sure to check out my story called "Love Isn't Enough." It's a Breezy story. I will be coming out with new stories soo and different concepts. Can you guys please leave a comment about the story below. I would like to hear from my readers. Thank you so much.} 

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