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The Next Morning

Bree POV

Waking up the next morning and seeing Chris next to be made feel like I was: in love. That morning I woke up i felt like I was reborn. Even though I was naseous, still felt good about myself. I got out of bed and rushed to the toliet. I threw up everything that i had inside of me. After throwing up, I went downstairs and went to get some water. Suddenly, I felt hands wrap around my waist. I turned around and gave Chris a kiss.

Me: Morning babe.

Chris: Hey.

Me: Last night was so fun.

Chris: I know I was there.

Me: Damn! Cocky much?

Chris: What!?!

Me: Nothing.

Chris: Hey what was you throwing up this morning about?

Me: I don't know.

Chris: Do you think you're pregnant again?

Me: I don't know maybe. I don't want anything to happen like it did before.

Chris: I know me too.

Me: Should I get a pregnancy test just in case i am pregnant.

Chris: Alright.

I hurried upstairs and looked in my purse and grabbed the pregnancy test. I went to the bathroom and peed on the stick. I had to wait 3 minutes. ~~~~~~~~~

3 minutes later, i looked at the test and saw what it said. I read the resulta and was completely shocked. I even screamed to how shocking the result were. Chris came up the stairs running and wondering what the fuck just happened. But the look on his face was so priceless that I started laughing. 

Chris: Babe whats wrong?

Me: Can you believe it?

Chris: Believe what? What are you talking about?

Me: We gotta tell everyone. OMG! I'm so excited.

Chris: Babe slow down. You can't wait to tell everyone what exactly?

Me: I'm pregnant!

Chris: For reals?

Me: Yea.

Chris: OMG! I can't believe.

Both me and Chris were happy. Chris picked me up and twirled me around.  I couldn't believe that I was pregnant again. I didn't think that's really possible even when I had miscarriage before. So I was siked when I was able to have another baby. This time I was going to responsible and be the mother that I was destined to be. After finding out the results, Chris called Tyga and Mijo as I called Kit-Kat and Jasmine to come over to the house.

Since I still had extra clothes in Chris house, I went upstairs, took a shower and put on a pair of jeans, a tank top, and converse sneakers. I put my hair in a messy bun. The doorbell rung and i hurried downstairs and answered it. I opened the door and there standing was Kit-Kat and Jasmine. I was so happy to see them. I gave them a hug and told them to sit down on the couch. A few seconds later, Mijo and Tyga showed up to the door and I let them in. 

Me: Okay now, that everyone's here. 

Chris: We have some very important news to tell you all.

Jasmine: What is it?

Me: Well.....

Tyga: Just spill it out already.

Kit-Kat: Yea i'm dying over here.

Chris: Okay you want to tell them?

Me: Okay. Well i'm pregnant.

Jasmine: What!?!

Mijo: Are you serious?

Kit-Kat: OMG! Congrats you guys.

Tyga: Yea.

Everyone got up from the couch and gave me and Chris either hugs or dabs. I was so excited that me and Chris were having a baby. I mean I was ready. For god sakes, I'm 21 years old and I wanted to have kids before i'm 30. So i guess this is the right time. I can't wait to have a beautiful baby that I can hold and take care of something that belongs to me.

Telling all our friends was the best thing that I've ever done. After telling our friends the good news, they all left and went on about the'r business. It was just me, Chris, and the baby left in the house. Chris and I stayed in the house and talked about the baby plans.

Chris: Where are we gonna build the nursery?

Me: Wait, don't you have an extra room here in the house?

Chris: What the guest room?

Me: Yea.

Chris: Yea i guess we can use it.

Me: Oh thats great.

Chris: I hope its a boy.

Me: Well I want a girl.

Chris: Boy.

Me: Girl.

Chris: Well I'm gonna pray for a boy.

Me: Well i want a boy.

Chris: Whatever you say babe. It's your decision.

Me: I know it is. (laughs) Just kidding.

Chris: I love you baby.

Me: I love you too.

For the rest of that morning with Chris, we stayed inside and talked about baby plans. I was excited that I was having a baby. Even if that means i was having a baby with Chris. I love Chris and I know that he does too. Maybe in the future we'll get married and be a real family.

Chris POV

This morning was one of the craziest mornings of my life. But at least it was a good one. Bree and I were having a baby and I couldn't wait. Bree and I have been dating for about 6 months now and every moment that I spend with her is always memorable. Never again do I want to lose this girl. She means everything to me.

We were watching tv and she fell asleep on my lap. I watched her as her chest moves as she inhales and exhales. God damn! This girl just god me twisted. I still remember the first time that she and I met. But anyways... can't wait to have this baby with Bree. we'll actually be a family once and for all.

{Note: What do you think?}

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