Part 1

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You walked down the path to the apartment, you held an umbrella over your head, you sighed your first year of senior year did not go according to plan, you skipped a pebble down the side walk as the rain splashed around, it was always like this in Seattle, you continued to walk until you saw the apartment complex in sight, you took out your keys and walked down the to the mail box, you unlocked it you grabbed an envelope and something feel out your thought that the sender must of not sealed it , you picked up what you dropped, you were stunned on what you saw.

It was your dad, with a women , she didn't look anything like your mom, you froze in the middle you looked thru the envelop and saw more and more than one of them going into a hotel room, you gripped the photo, just when you thought your day couldn't get any worse this had to appear in your mail box

"what do I do?" you thought "if I show mom then she will defiantly flip out, but if I don't then everything will remain normal to them" you thought again and again before brushing piece of hair from your eye you noticed a letter in the envelop.

'Suzy I can't believe what I saw down town I didn't know how else to tell you but I thought this would be enough evidence I'm so sorry love Dina'

You knew who Dina was a fellow therapist from your moms work, you stuffed the envelop in your school bag and ran to the apartment you slammed threw.

"Mom" you said, you went through the halls "you got a letter I think you want to see" you walked around, until you saw their bed room.

"Oh shit my daughter home" you could hear his voice coming from inside,

"Dad you in there" you asked in your usually soft voice but inside you wanted to break in there and slap him to china.

"Oh one sec [name]" he said you heard rustling and then a window open form the room, he opened it he had really bad bed head. You wanted to slap him you gripped your hand so you could send your hand flying across his cheek

"Have you seen mom" you said

"She is still at work" he said "I'm very busy right now, mind coming back later go and line to music or something" he said

"But-"you were cut off when he closed the door in your face, you stood there and pressed your ear to the door

"Ok we need to be very quiet" he said, a lady voice said "ok~" you blinked, and just turned you heel and walked to your room. And sat down on your bed you pulled out he envelop and read the pictures on the bed,

"that son of a bitch" you said, "how could he do this to me and mom" you wipped tear that had escaped your eyes, "the second mom get home" you picked up a picture and your hand was hacking "he is going to pay".

You waited for your mom to get home, and waited until you heard the door open, you ran up she was exhausted.

You dad walked up to her and placed his hand on her shoulder and gave her a small smile.

"Hey honey haw was work" he said patting her back

"Tiring" she said partial passing out on the couch she looked at you in the door frame.

"Hey honey" she said "how was your first day of school?" she asked you, you didn't want to tell her what had happen

"It was fine other then my classes being across the campus" you said you dad sat next to her

"Man I remember when that happen to me" he stared to laugh, you gave out a fake laughed.

"So what for dinner" he said your mom roiled her eyes

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