First Kiss/Unexpected Surprise

Start from the beginning

“And where did you ‘envision’ this so called first kiss at?” Shawn asked.

Cassidy shrugged and smiled down at him. “Let’s just say it’s not at a diner.” She said. “Now if you’ll excuse me Mr. Spencer, some of us have a job to do.”

“Very sly of you, Cass.” Shawn said to himself.

The last hour seemed to drag for the couple as they counted down the final minutes of her last day at the diner. When the clock struck three, Cassidy said her goodbyes and quickly ripped off her apron before darting out the door with Shawn, enjoying her new found freedom.

“Where to my lady?” Shawn asked.

Cassidy jumped on Shawn’s back and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Anywhere but here,” She said excitedly. “This feels good! It feels as though a huge weight has been lifted off my chest. I’ve never felt so free in my life!”

“It’s called living, Cass.” Shawn chuckled.

“You know what I could go really, really go for right now?” She asked.

“What’s that?”

“I could for the largest strawberry banana smoothie that Santa Clara has to offer and a couple rounds of paintball with you.” She replied.

“You don’t have to ask me twice on smoothies, I’m up for that anytime.” He said. “Now paintballing is a completely different story. I wouldn’t want to hurt you with my awesome skills.”

Cassidy scoffed and pinched his cheek. “You do know who you’re talking to, right?” She said. “You’re squinty little eye technique can’t save you from my wrath.”

“Oh, I don’t need that to take you down little missy.” He said with all the amount of pride in the world. “You might be good at shooting a gun, but I’m better.”

“Is that so?” She said, clearly mused by his reply. “If that’s the case, then show me what you got.”

“On one condition,” Shawn said.

“Name it.” Cassidy said.

“When I win, you’ll have to kiss me.” He said.

“Deal,” She said. “As for me, when I win you’re to take back that remark you said a moment ago.”

“Deal,” Shawn said as he extended his hand to her for the two to shake hands. “Now, where can we go paintballing around here?”

Cassidy smirked. “Oh, don’t you worry about that. I know the perfect place.”


Shawn hunkered down behind a tree as he tried to catch his breath. She was good, damn good. He figured he’d give her a thirty second head start to run off in the woods, but that clearly was a mistake. Now he was paying the price.

He cursed silently to himself. He was low on ammo. I should have just kept my big mouth shut. He thought. Now I have a trigger-happy girlfriend out there waiting for me to make a move.

Shawn heard a branch snap to his left and raised his paintball gun. Suddenly a paintball whizzed dangerously close to Shawn’s ear. He dived to the ground just before the paintball struck him. When he could finally get back on his feet he saw Cassidy standing ten feet away from him with her pistol pointed at his abdomen.  

“Nice shooting,” Shawn said.

“Not good enough,” Cassidy replied with smirk. “I missed, but there’s no possible way I can miss from this distance. Give it up, Spencer. I win.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that, sweetie.” Shawn said. “You might want to look again.”

Cassidy did as she was instructed and looked a little more closely at Shawn and saw that he was holding a fist-sized green oval marked with striations.

“Grenade!” Cassidy shouted.

Shawn took a step forward and threw it in Cassidy’s direction, exploding yellow paint all over her.

“In your face,” Shawn smiled.

Cassidy stood in awe for a moment before she decided to speak up. “We never discussed grenades!” Cassidy said. “You’re a dirty little cheater.”

“War is hell my defeated foe,” Shawn chuckled as he walked towards her. “A deal is deal, now pay up.”


She swallowed nervously, suddenly feeling very apprehensive about the whole thing. Shawn watched with an amused smile as Cassidy turned jittery. Cassidy unconsciously wetted her lips in anticipation. The act did not go unnoticed by Shawn and he had to tell himself to move slowly as he leaned over her body to press his lips to hers gently.

Cassidy had to suppress a whimper as she felt warm lips descend on her. She was no longer sure of herself, responding timidly to his kiss, which was hardly more than a caress of his lips against her own. It was warm and tender and left her aching for more, so when his tongue traced her bottom lip teasingly, she parted her lips and granted him entry.

Shawn hummed softly, bringing a hand up to cup her jaw as his tongue began sweeping lazily over teeth and gums before stroking her own muscle smoothly. Her nervousness was evident as she tentatively kissed him back.

Then the moment was ruined. Cassidy’s phone went off in her breast pocket. The two sighed in frustration and pulled away from one another. Cassidy pulled out her phone and frowned. “I’m so sorry, I have to take this.” Shawn nodded as he watched Cassidy walk a few feet away from him. A few moments later she’d returned and began picking up their paintball gear. “We have to leave. My mother wants me home right away.”

“Everything alright?” Shawn asked as he grabbed the black duffle bag from her hands.

“Uh-huh,” Cassidy said. “She just wants me home for some reason and won’t tell me why.”

Shawn grabbed her hand before she could walk away. “Are we okay?”

Cassidy grabbed the front of Shawn’s vest and pulled him forward, kissing him deeply. After a moment she broke the kiss, their lips just barely touching as she whispered, "Of course we are, Shawn.”


Shawn pulled up to the driveway and turned off the ignition to his bike before placing the kickstand down. Cassidy unwrapped her arms from his waist and got off the bike she’d come dread. “Thanks for an interesting evening,” She said as she removed the helmet from her head. “I had fun.”

“Me too,” Shawn said and reached for her hand, holding it tightly.

The two slowly walked up the steps to the front door in silence. Cassidy grabbed the duffle bag from Shawn’s hands and smiled up at him. Before she could open her mouth to speak the front door opened abruptly, catching the two by surprise.

Shawn quickly turned his head at Cassidy as he heard the duffle bag dropped in a heavy thump on the porch. All the blood drained from Cassidy’s face as she stared at the man standing in the doorway and began to tremble, He turned his head to the man and then back at Cassidy.


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