A/N Results and Boring Stuff

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OHSHC Watty Awards are finally over, and the results are out!

First things first I want to thank all of the people who took their time to vote for me in the OHSHC Wattys. I guess the hard work paid off because *drum roll please*...

...I got 2ND PLACE now, this is the first book I have ever shared with anyone, and my first fan fiction so getting 2nd place is amazing. A Dead host...Not! got first place, I haven't read that book YET, but I will. It's supposed to me really amazing and I have no hard feelings about it. I'm just happy I placed. Let me tell you how my day went today.

7:30am Waking up: 

Todays the 31st right, ah results are going to be coming out that must be exciting. I wonder how well I did.

*Checks phone* nope still not up yet...

8:00am Eating breakfast: 

*stares at phone* nope not yet...

4:00pm In the Car: 

*Logs into wattpad* nope...

5:30pm Sitting on the porch waiting for 'trick or treaters': 

Don't do it, you'll just be sad don't look, don't do it. *Checks phone anyway* damn it.

8:00pm Watching a movie with my rents: 

*ding* *checks phone really fast* stupid email...

9:30pm Lying in bed eating KitKats and drinking Dr.Pepper while watching a movie: 

*Gingerly checks phone not expecting anything* Hmm...results were uploaded at 3:00pm today, I FUCKING CHECKED AT THAT TIME!!!!

...Yeah, good life huh...

Yes so that's how that went, anyway I said I'd post the results and we still have boring-ish things to discuss. 

I have decide...

...I am going to make a short extra story off of Faking It! 

The extra story will only be around 5-10 chapters long, maybe less, but it will be full of romance-ish. That will be uploaded probably tomorrow maybe the next day, haven't decided but you all wanted it so you all get it. I don't know the specific title yet. (Update-story is down below!)


...I am doing book reviews!

Now I know it doesn't sound really exciting and all, but it really helps give variety to normal life. There are so many books I have read that I had never thought of reading...ever. All because I read someone else recommend it. The book reviews are short and sweet, nothing very official, just a quick opinion on the story. The title of the chapter is the title of the book, it ranges from anime- to original works- to fan fictions. I hope you all can check that out, I won't continue it if no one wants to read it, then it just takes up a lot of time. 


...I am back into a writing schedule!

I used to have this schedule for this story I would update every two days, or 4 if I put up two chapters. Now my new writing schedule isn't that extreme but it really will help me move along all my stories. If you are/have read SOAM then you will have seen my last update about wanting to quit the book, this will actually take away all my stress with what I was facing before. Also, now that I have the Faking It Extra it will keep an easy pattern of updates.

...I have named you all!

So if you are a kpoper you will know what i'm talking about, all you Army's Starlight's Exo-L's what ever your fandom is you have a name. Well now you have a new name, it's not supposed to be a fandom or anything of the sort but I have seen authors do this and I like it. My writing name is Kais_voice, I created this account to have myself heard. The stories I was always too scared to share or the stories no one ever wrote, I give them a voice. Connecting all across the world, reaching places I didn't know I could reach I speak. For emotional lessons or just for fun I write my stories. So, if I speak with this voice, all you readers have listened to me.

I shall name you Listeners.

It's not super creative I know that, but its true you've all listened to my voice. Now some people might be thinking, "Bruh, its just a stupid Wattpad account, wtf is she/he doing." 

and all I gotta say is 

"back the fuck off bitch. I do what I want."

...With that I hope you all enjoy.

I am not someone who will just stop writing after just one book. There might be hundreds more that I write and so I hope you can all enjoy them. Writing has been a passion for me since I was a small child. I've always got lots on my plate and am always busy, always trying to improve and with my writing as it is you can definitely expect more in the future.

(Even more OHSHC)

I bid you farewell listeners, keep your ears open.

~Kai Liam~

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