Chapter Six

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"Why do you think Lucas didn't belive your dad cares for you?" Riley asked. We were laying on her bed talking before school.

"Maybe because my dad hasn't been in my life for however long, and he doesn't care about me."

"Maya that's not true. You're dad seemed to really want to get to know you." Riley sat up but kept eye contact with me.

Obviously she was a little distracted by her conversation with Farkle yesterday because she didn't see him grab my arm.

"Riley I know you think there's at least a little good in everyone, but there's not. Not everyone is a good person."

"Maya I saw the way your dad looked at you... He really loves you." Riley stood up and put her shoes on.

"Can we just go to school?" I sighed getting off of her bed.

"As you wish." Riley sighed.

We climbed out of her window and walked to the subway, which dropped us off about a block away from our school.

We got to Mr. Matthews' class and he wasn't there yet. Must be running late.

"So if the teacher is allowed to be late, why can't I be late?" I sighed turning to look Riley, Farkle and Lucas in their faces.

"Because you need to be on time to school." Lucas replied.

"I'm sure my father has a good reason as to why he's late." Riley chirped, folding her hands on the desk infront of her.

"Belgium eighteen thirty-one." Mr. Matthews said as soon as he entered the room.

"Please be the day, please be the day, please be the day." I heard Farkle chant softly.

"In Belgium eighteen thirty-one," He started.

"The Belgium R-"

"Mr. Matthews, Your wife called the front office asking for you. She says it's an emergency." A faculty member popped her head into the door of the classroom and then left.

"I'll be back class. Please behave." He said making eye contact with me.

"Why, little ol' me? I'm as good as they come." I smiled.

"Riley, watch her." Matthews said before leaving the class.

I stood up and walked behind Mr. Matthews' desk and leaned on the chalk board.

"I'm Mr.Mattews." I said in a low voice.

"Today I'm going to be teaching Belgium eighteen thirty-one."

"Lies!" Farkle screamed.

"Shut it Minkus!" I said back, still trying to talk like our teacher.

I saw Riley laugh out of the corner of my eye as I scanned the classroom, looking from Yogi to Sarah.

I saw Lucas raise his hand and I walked to the front of the desk and sat on it.

"Yes Mr. Huckleberry?" I said.

"Maya what are you doing?"

"I'm Mr. Matthews, Ranger Rick, and I'd appreciate it if you did not refer to me by my daughter's, best friend's name."

Keeping up the low voice was starting to hurt my throat so I sat back down at my desk.

"You done?" Riley asked.

"Yeah. Being your dad is weird." I laughed.

A loud beep rang through the classroom as the intercom from the front office came through.

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