Chapter 13. The Man.

Start from the beginning

''You should go, I'll be waiting somewhere backstage for you I promise.'' Roman pecked me on the lips making me smile softly, I nodded my head and opened the locker room door, Before I walked out of the locker room I turned around, looked at my handsome superman.

''Roman, I'm ready to give us a try I know this relationship is going to be hard but I'm sure we will survive.'' I watched has his lit up with a wide smile, I walked out of the locker leaving the door open for him to walk out off. I saw Paige leaning against the wall with a smirk on her face, I flipped her off then we both walked to the gorilla.

{Inside the ring}

The crowd was very loud tonight just like they always are but if there was one thing that caught my eye then it was this little girl. She was probably the most adorable little girl that I have ever seen she didn't have any hair, her skin was pale but her eyes were this bright blue colour. I've seen her a few times actually I've noticed her sitting at the front row with her family. She's been coming to these shows ever since my debut, I could see that she was wearing my wrestling shirt. I got out of the ring earning a confused look from Paige I walked closer to the little girl smiling.

''Hey cutie, what's your name?'' I asked her she looked really surprised at first probably because I'm in front talking to her. 

''E..E..Emily.'' She stuttered could this kid be anymore adorable? She reminded me of my younger self when I came to watch a wrestling show with my foster dad. I placed my hands behind my neck, unclipped my necklace.

''Could you hold your palm out for me please?'' I asked her, she nodded her little head and held out her hand I smiled as I place the necklace in her hand. ''This was my foster mom's she gave it to me for good luck I don't think I need it anymore she'll be happy that I gave it to you. Keep hold of it, I hope it gives you good luck and always remember I'm here by your side don't give up.'' I leaned down, kissed her cheek softly, I looked up at her parents her mom was smiling with tears in her eyes the same with her dad. ''You've raised a wonderful and beautiful daughter, never give up.'' I smiled as I walked away for the amazing family and got back into the ring to stand next to Paige.

''Jasmine, Did you noticed that we don't have a match at Summer Slam?'' Paige looked at me with a confused look on her face I looked around at the crowd laughing a little.

''I totally noticed, I mean Jasmine and Paige have been slaying lately we deserve a match at the biggest event of the summer.'' 

''Don't worry though I think I have something that will make it all better... These past few weeks we've had two divas actually should we even call them divas.. No? Okay, we've had The Olsen twins down out throats and you know what? It's been pissing us off this needs to end right now.'' I clapped my hands, nodded my head just has Paige said those words. 

''So, we aren't leaving this ring until we get what we want Nikki and Brie you can keep on running away all you want but you guys are the ones that started this. Me and Paige challenge you to match at Summer. How about it WWE Universe Paige and Jasmine VS The Bella Twins at Summer Slam?'' I raised my microphone up in the air just as the crowd gave out the loudest cheer of the night. ''So, what's going to be?''

I was really hoping that The Bella Twins would accept our challenge Summer Slam has always been one of my favourite Pay Per Views along with WrestleMania. I sat up on the turnbuckle, while Paige walked in circles inside the ring we were just waiting to heat that awful theme music that The Bella's have every time I heard it, it made my ears bleed. Instead of The Bella's theme music playing I heard the music that I wasn't expecting to hear. Seth Rollins walked out with his arms spread open wide looking like he was the god, The WWE World Heavyweight Championship was wrapped around his waist. 

Paige looked over at me with confusion but she also looked really worried I was also confused has to why Seth Rollins was walking out here when we clearly asked for The Bella's. Seth was now standing inside the ring smirking at me he didn't seem to notice that Paige was here too. The crowd started to boo him but he didn't care about them at all I don't think Seth cares about anything. He grabbed a microphone, raised it to his lips and began to speak.

''There's something else you should notice too, me and you Jasmine, have some unfinished business to talk about I mean we were rudely interrupted backstage. An hour ago I told you that you were the kind of diva The Authority needs you're smart, beautiful, talented and strong. You aren't like Randy at all even you are his long lost sister but we all know that Randy is the weakest in the Orton family. I'm going to ask you one simple question, Will you join The Authority?'' Seth asked me the crowd started to do the no chant I jumped down from the turnbuckle, walked closer to Rollins.

''Okay, let me just make this clear this might hurt your feelings but if you wasn't in the Authority then maybe I would accept the offer. Since you are in the Authority then I would rather stick pins in my eyes then join you guys I respect Triple H and Stephanie since they have helped me out. It's you I have the problem with, Rollins.'' I smirked softly at the idiot in front of me, Paige laughed beside me I thought she left me alone in the ring with Rollins but she stayed right by my side.

''What have I ever done to you? Oh, wait. It's because of what I did to your boyfriend and his crazy best friend isn't it? They both deserve what I did them they got all of the credit and what was I? I was only their shadows, I made The Shield and I destroyed The Shield I did something that I should have done a very long time ago.'' Seth stepped closer to me, he raised his hand and placed some of my hair behind my ear with a little smile on my face.

''What about what you did to my brother, Seth? What did he do to you to be treated like that?'' A few weeks not only Seth Rollins but also The Authority and Kane stabbed my brother in the back. I watched with tears in my eyes as they tried to injure Randy who didn't even do anything.

''He was acting like a spoiled brat, I guess it runs in the family though doesn't it because in a few weeks you will be acting like a spoiled brat too. Someday you are going to lose everything Paige, Roman and Randy won't be by your side forever they will realize the person who you really are. I already know the person that you are, you are a bitch.'' Seth spat the last word in my face making the anger build up inside of me Paige tried to calm me down but it wasn't working. I rolled my fists into a ball while the blood was pumping through my veins, I was listening to the voices inside my head. I raised my fist into the air, slapped Seth has hard as I could on the cheek making him fall onto the matt. 

The whole crowd stood up and cheered while clapping their hands, Seth looked at me in shock with has hand on his cheek where I slapped him. I don't think Seth was the only one that was shocked Paige was also looking at me in shock but then she pointed at Seth and started to laugh. When Seth got back up he looked around then his eyes landed on me I could tell that he was angry too right now. He was about to hit me back but Randy's ran down the ramp and into the ring just in time.

''GO!'' Randy shouted, Paige grabbed my hand then we ran out of the ring and up the ramp at the top of the ramp we watched has Randy started to attack Rollins. The Authority and Kane walked out, Stephanie wrapped her arms around me while Kane and Hunter ran down to the ring.

If there was one thing you should know about me then that is you should never call me a ''Bitch.'' No matter what High school I went too as a teenager everybody would call me a bitch and other names. I guess that just brought back a lot of memories for me and it made me angry. I knew that this wasn't the last time that I would be running into Seth Rollins I've dug my grave but Seth Rollins will be the one laying in that grave.


Here is chapter 13!!!! Can you guess who the villain in this story is going to be? There will be a few shocks in this story but I'm not going to tell you about them because I don't want to spoil anything.

By the way I didn't know what song would go with this chapter so Hero By Skillet will be up in the Video link it might go with the chapter I don't know.

Chapter 14 will be out soon so don't forget to Read of course, Vote and Comment I love seeing all of your lovely comments they put a smile on my face. Love you guys and I'll see you all later. :) 

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