"I'm takin' Theo and we're runnin' if that's the case," Niall said, before leading the way up to the house. You followed Niall up to the door, stopping beside him as he pushed the doorbell. "Okay, let's try to be scary," He said, and all you could do was laugh, which prompted a giggle out of Theo, too.

"Niall, look at us," You laughed, "We're anything but scary right now." You were carrying Theo's candy bag for him, since you knew he'd get tired of carrying it himself, and you didn't trust Niall with it. Seconds later, the door before you swung open and you were greeted by a smiling man.

"Um..." Niall awkwardly adjusted Theo in his grip, "Trick-or-treat?"

You and the man both laughed as you held out Theo's bag. "Is this for you or the kid?" The man jokingly asked, dropping a handful of mini chocolates into the bag.

"The kid," You promised, glancing at Theo as he stared at the man with his fingers still in his mouth.

"Is this your little one?" The man asked, smiling at Theo and waving at the little boy. Theo smiled in return.

You and Niall exchanged glances and you blushed as Niall jumped on the opportunity, "No, this is my nephew. But we plan to have a couple of our own some day."

"Well then, good luck!" The man chuckled before nodding his head at you and closing his door.

"That wasn't so bad," Niall breathed as you ventured back to the sidewalk.

"Were you expecting it to be...?" You questioned, trying to itch your nose with your own furry hand.

Niall shrugged, "Nah, I don't know what I expected. I guess I just thought people would reject us."

About six houses later, Niall was complaining about you and him having to do all the work, while Theo got all the rewards. "It's not fair," He whined, "We should get something, too."

Sighing, you rolled your eyes and snapped, "You'll get something, Niall." Niall's eyes widened and he looked at you with the biggest smirk on his face. If you weren't carrying a bag of candy, you would've slapped yourself in the face just then. "I didn't mean it like that," You quickly mumbled, but not before Niall could laugh and shake his head.

"Yes you did!" Niall sang, "You definitely did." He turned to you and winked before saying, "Do I turn you on in this Cookie Monster costume? Kinky little thing, you are."

"Niall!" You hissed, and embarrassed blush covering your face. "You're holding your nephew, for Pete's sake, stop talking about that." Niall's laugh echoed through the night as he continued on.

Theo wrapped his arms around Niall's neck as the three of you worked your way up to another house. This time, a woman with big hair answered the door. "Oh my god," She said, pausing in her spot, "Oh my god, look at you!" She instantly reached out for Theo, who craned his neck to see the source of the unfamiliar voice he was hearing. He stared at her as she made faces at him, speaking in a baby voice, "You are so adorable, ahhhh! Can I have you?! Yes, can I have you?!" Theo giggled a little and the woman squealed, "Oh my god, your son is the most adorable kid I've seen all night. Aww, look at him, he's smiling! Are you smiling, little mushroom? Yes you are, yes you are!" You and Niall exchanged glances once again as Niall opened his mouth to explain, but then decided to just let it be. Nearly every house you'd been to, the owner assumed Theo was your son - and Niall was getting tired of explaining.

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