Bonus Chapter

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The little girl with the curly blond hair and the green eyes churning like the sea stepped up to the platform, fear etched onto her face. She took a deep breath and stepped forward. She felt the atmosphere change. She opened her eyes and her jaw dropped.

So they weren't lying, she thought, thinking of the stories she'd heard from her older brothers, Luke and Ethan. Right behind her, her parents broke through the barrier looking just as stunned. She could believe that they felt as if they were eleven, too.

Pouncing behind, were the trouble makers Luke and Ethan. At age 14, neither of the twins could stay out of trouble. With their dark hair and grey eyes, most of the time, they charmed their way out of trouble.

"Ready?" Her mom said to her left. Silena nodded. She gripped Annabeth's hand and shuffled towards the train. She was so nervous. What if she was put into a bad house? What if no one liked her? Questions similar to those ran through her head.

"LUKE MICHAEL JACKSON!!!!!!!" Screamed Annabeth.

He and Ethan were setting off fireworks inside, just like their uncles, Fred and George. Annabeth pulled Luke and Ethan aside, leaving Silena with her father.

"Nervous?" Percy asked his daughter.

She shook her head, trying to be brave. Her bottom lip quivered, though and her eyes began to water.

Percy enveloped her into a hug. "Shh," he whispered, calming her down. "Hey. Hey, look at me." He said gently. "You know what? You're going to do amazing things here. I want you to know that Mommy and I are so so proud of you and know you'll do so well here. I know you'll be put into the right house and they'll be your new school family. It'll be okay. Okay?"

"Okay." She whispered back. He ran his fingers across her cheeks, wiping away the remaining tears. She composed herself. "I love you, Daddy. Don't forget to write."

"I love you, too, princess. Mommy won't let me forget."

At that moment, Annabeth ran over and gave a loving goodbye to her eldest daughter. She kissed Silena's forehead and let her scurry off. Luke and Ethan said their goodbyes, then ran off to their friends.

She watched little Silena walk up to Albus Severus, and together, they borded the train, promising each other to stick together, no matter what. Honoring their promises, they both got sorted into Gryffindor and had many adventures.

Meanwhile, Annabeth grabbed Percy's hand and began to walk towards the famous Harry Potter on the platform.

"I never thought we'd be standing here today, Seaweed Brain. I always thought they'd be at camp."

"I know, Wise Girl," he replied. "But, this is their destiny. They deserve to write their own story--just like we wrote ours."

A melodic laugh escaped her lips. She kissed Percy on the cheek. "I guess so. But I'm glad we came. My life wouldn't have been the same without it."

"I feel you." She leaned against Percy's shoulder.

They stopped walking and had their little reunion, filled with lots of hugs. Annabeth then turned to Harry.

"What do you miss most? About Hogwarts?" She inquired.

She was so curious. She'd only been once and it was in the middle of a war. Percy joined Harry, Ron, and Hermione in repeating their seventh year.

"Everything." He replied. "Hogwarts was my home. I miss playing Qudditch and the plentiful DADA teachers. Even though I was scared, I loved to protect everyone and know that they are safe. And the food. I definitely miss the food."

"Me too, bro." Said Percy and Ron at the same time. They bro-hugged and high fived.

"Doesn't surprise me." Hermione muttered. She and Ginny giggled. Even nineteen years later, Annabeth still felt a little bit left out. She couldn't do magic. She had no powers. She just wanted to fit in.

"Annabeth." Percy said, knocking the thoughts out of her head. "Come on." He said, taking her hand. He smiled at her, melting her heart.

The train had long since left the station but they held hands and walked around a bit more.

"Ready?" Percy asked.

"Yeah," she replied a little more confidently.

They locked hands and she stared at the location around her. The train that would take her to the place she could never experience. She closed her eyes and leaned into his chest. The world crackled and popped around her. She didn't mind though, she was just glad she had Percy by her side, standing by the borders of Camp Half blood.

Then, seven-year-old Annabeth woke up in her flannel pj's in her house in Richmond. Little did she know, an eight-year-old boy named Harry, woke up from the same dream. But even that dream couldn't change the future.

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