Chapter Nineteen

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I rushed towards Dumbledore's office. I needed the pensieve. Snape's memories could be the key to defeating Voldemort. I didn't forget what Percy said though, that Annabeth was the key. I didn't understand, he said he had a vision about it or something, but visions aren't always clear. We needed an answer.

I ran up three staircases and came to a stop in the second corridor. The gargoyle stood there, motionless.

"Dumbledore!" I screamed out of frustration. The stairs began to spiral upwards and I jumped on the top step. I was surprised it opened. I watched the floor fade in front of my eyes. I was too impatient to wait for this.

"Windgardium Leviosa." I said. I pointed my wand-- sorry, Draco's wand-- at myself and let my body float to the top.

When I entered the study, I glanced around the room. It was undisturbed from the last time I saw it. Everything hit me at that moment. That Dumbledore was dead, he wasn't coming back. Snape, who killed him, was now also dead. My parents were gone, Sirius, murdered while we laughed his last breaths away. They impacted me so much. They saved my life. There is no one left to help me put my pieces back together. I broke down in to heart wrenching sobs that I couldn't control.

I found the pensieve in my broken state. I brought out the flask of silvery mist and poured it into the burnished bowl. My vision faded and I became overcome in Snape's memories.

I saw two girls around nine or ten years old. One had short lush dark hair and plain eyes. The other had long red hair, that glittered in the sunlight and green eyes with flecks of gold that looked familiar. I knew those eyes. They were mine. It was my mother.

She laughed and played with her friend, I assume it was Aunt Petunia. She picked a flower that hadn't bloomed yet and she made it blossom in her hand.

"You're a freak!" Petunia shrieked. "Get away from me!" Petunia ran away from my mother and ran off to find her parents.

"You're not the only one. I can do it, too." A boy with dark hair held out his hand and a flower blossomed. "I'm Severus." He said.

"Lily." She said. "How can we. . ." She motioned to the flowers.

"You're a witch."

"Excuse me?" She said angrily. "I am--"

"Not that kind. One that can preform magic. Make things happen. Unnatural things."

That memory melted away as my mom spoke. The scene changed to Hogwarts, in the Great Hall. It was the sorting ceremony. I saw Sirius and my father sitting at the Gryffindor table.

"Evans, Lily." Professor McGonagall called out. My mother bounded over to the stool. She sat down.

The hat began to ponder on her memories and look into her future. "Gryffindor!" The sorting hat boomed.

She hopped off the stool, clambered down the stairs and ran to the Gryffindor table and sat next to Sirius and a girl I didn't recognize.

"Snape, Severus." McGonagall spoke. Snape walked up to the stool and hopped on. The sorting hat was lowered onto his head. "Slytherin!"

Snape clambered off and glanced at my mother, who gave him a reassuring smile, and he walked over and sat between Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Black, and across from Bellatrix Lestrange.

Thus memory faded and came back into focus on my father, about 16 or 17, with Sirius, Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, and Snape. A small crowd was gathered around them.

"Aye, Snivellus. Expelliarmus." Laughter went around the crowd as Snape's wand flew out of his hand. "Levicorpus." Snape was lifted into the air by his ankle. Everyone was laughing and making fun of him.

"Stop! Stop! You're hurting him! Leave him alone!" A shrill voice parted the wave of people like the red sea. My mother ran up to Snape who was now collapsed on the ground.

"Okay, Evans." Said my father. "We'll stop if you. . ." He paused for dramatic effect. "Go on a date with me." He concluded.

My mother was fuming. "Fine." She answered sullenly. "You have to promise to leave him alone."

"Okay. . . Chill. I promise."

This memory shifted into a corridor around the Gryffindor common room.

"Lily, wait. I can explain." Snape pleaded.

"I don't want to hear it. I only came out because Martha told me that you were threatening to sleep our here."

"And I will if you don't here me out. It was a mistake, Lily. It just slipped out."

"Yeah, right. I know what you truly think of me now. A mudblood." Her eyes were glossy and she stalked back towards the common room.

"Lily. Please."

"Save it." She whipped around. "I don't want to hear it."

Then, in a frenzy of colors, I was pulled into a vortex of swirling winds.

I gasped and sputtered. I was back in Dumbledore's office. I knew what I needed to do. This was my destiny. I had to save my friends. That was exactly what I was going to do.

Um. . . Well yeah. Snape's memories. Did you guys like it????????? The feels though!!!!!

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Question: What is your favorite HP book?

Two chapters left. I'm psyched for the ending. . .

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