Chapter Three

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They questioned me for a while. Or tried to, at least. I'll give them that. I told them that I wasn't going to cooperate unless they gave me a legit reason. They seemed very hesitant to tell me anything. Finally, they decided to tell me.

"What we're about to tell you... is kinda...difficult for us to talk about." A boy with dark hair and a lightning-bolt-shaped scar said. I wonder what he did that angered Zeus so much.

"I guess we'll start from the beginning." What was her name..what was it! Uh..It started with an 'H', I think. Hannah? Her- something? Hopefully not Hera. I wouldn't mind giving that goddess a piece of my mind.

"Hermione," that's what it was! "I think Harry should start. I mean, it kinda is his life." Redhead said. I'm not good with names. I mean, seriously, why am I supposed to memorize all the gods' names? It's hard enough in their Greek forms, but in their Roman forms, too?

"Okay. Moving on. Well, to be frank, my parents were wizards and when I was a baby," Scarface began, oh sorry, Harry. "There was this man, and his name was John Cena, I mean Tom Riddle."

"Uh," I said, "I still don't know who that is..."

"Oh right!"

"Well. He's an evil wizard set on destroying anyone who isn't a pure blood wizard."

"Sounds reasonable, don't you think?" I said joking around, trying to make it a little lighter hearted since it was a sad story.

Harry stared at me. "You're just like him. Looks like you do take after your uncle," He sneered at me with an undertone of sadness," He killed my parents and tried to kill me, too. Is that what you wanted to hear? When I was eleven, eleven, He came back as one of my professors. He tried to make himself come back. But I beat him. Then," He pointed at Ron,"His little sister was possessed by the man who ruined my life. He almost got back, but we destroyed the diary and saved the muggle-borns. Then, I find out that my godfather was an evil mass murderer but he was actually innocent. Then, Ron rat turned out to be Peter Pettigrew, who was Volde-"

"Harry, no! You can't say his name!" Hermione burst in. She looked afraid. "We'll have to face the death eaters and we're not ready for that."

"'Death Eaters'." I said in disbelief. Trying not to laugh, I replied, "Who would want to eat Thanatos?"

Harry glared at me."This isn't funny. And I'm not done yet. So listen closely. When I was fourteen, my name was placed in the Goblet of Fire, which was part of the Triwizard Tournament. It had an age line so that no one under 17 could get in. Fake Moody put my name in under a different school and tried to get me killed, but I won. Then, I started having these dreams, and Vo- his followers killed Sirius. Then, former death eater, Snape, a professor at Hogwarts killed Dumbledore, who was the most important person in defeating Vol- sorry, I know, Hermione. Him. Now we're here. We've looked for the horcruxes. We've found five out of seven. We've had so many casualties and they're are certainly more to come. Nothing you've been through compares to what we've done." Harry concluded. He stared at me waiting for an apology.

"I'm sorry that you've had a rough life, Harry. Don't tell me that I haven't been through more than you, because I have. I'm not sure that I'm ready for you to hear my story, but I will help you kill my uncle. It's sad that he's done so much to you guys. I have others crazy relatives that I had to deal with. I've been through two wars, Harry. I'm barely seventeen. There are so many deaths of my friends and family, that I don't want to even think about it. I'll leave you with that. Think about your choices, Harry. They may be hard, but everyone is depending on you." I stopped speaking and went up the stairs. I clamored into bed, hoping for a pleasant dream. Sadly, my hope was washed away when I heard the voice:

She's hidden.

Guys... you literally are the best. This chapter made me a little reluctant to publish it but I worked really hard on it. It's longer than the other chapters but it's still kinda short. People are actually reading my story... It means so much to me. Please comment and vote. It'll make my day.

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