Chapter Thirteen

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We dissapparated to The Leaky Cauldron. We entered Diagon Alley and began down the path to Gringotts. I bumped into someone and they weren't there. My cloak was slightly lifted and a voice said "Sorry, Harry."

I realized that it was Annabeth. I kept moving. We entered Gringotts. Hermione or should I say Bellatrix, her heels clanked along the marble floor as she walked. I slid across the floor to avoid hitting a security guard but I hit Annabeth, again. This time, I think she fell because a heard a smack and a few curses, mostly in a foreign language.

Annabeth was manipulating the mist. I could tell. Percy disappeared before my eyes. All I could see was the blank white marble of Gringotts.

Hermione and Ron began talking to the goblin. I heard a quiet gasp from beside me. "They know." She whispered. I knew it was Annabeth. Griphook was saying the same thing. So, I did the first thing that came to mind.

"Imperio." I said. I placed the unforgivable curse on the goblin. He took us down to a cart and we got on. I took off my invisibility cloak and Percy became visible. He tried grabbing the air. I think he was looking for something. Then, he pulled out a hat. The air shimmered and Annabeth appeared.

Percy smiled and so did she. Then she laughed. "As if, Seaweed Brain."

I was so confused. Are they telepathic? I don't know but the communcate without words sometimes.

We began traveling at high speeds all around underground. "How does Hazel do it?" Percy said. "I don't understand."

"It's her father's territory. It's natural for her. Like flying is for Jason."

"It's so unfair that he can fly."

"I know right. He is such a show off."

"Um, guys," I interupted. "Just warning you, we're going--" my sentence was cutoff when we passed through the waterfall.

Alarms blared. We were dumped out of the cart onto the ground, at least two hundred feet below. We managed to get up and I noticed that the Hermione and Ron looked like themselves.

Percy was completely dry and chilling. Annabeth was glaring at him and commanding him to do something. He gave in and touched her shoulder. Immediately, she was dry. Even her hair.

I just decided not to ask. Griphook and the other goblin grabbed bells and shook them.

"When the dragon hears this noise, it is trained to expect pain." Griphook stated.

"That's barbaric!" Hermione burst out.

"It's not barbaric." Annabeth said. "It's trained for a reason. If they didn't have it we'd, well, you three would be dead." Then she turned to Percy. "He reminds me Peleus, don't you think?"

"Definitely. Though Peleus only likes Pinecone Face."

"True." She answered. "What're we waiting for? Let's break in."

"Who amped up your ADHD, today?" Percy asked. She glared at him.

The goblin, I really need to learn his name, opened the vault and Annabeth bounded in. I guess Annabeth did have ADHD.

We walked into the vault. I knew what we were were looking for. It was the cup of Hufflepuff. I knew Voldemort had the Hufflepuff horcrux and one of Slytherin's, so he must have something of Ravenclaw's, too.

"We're looking for a teacup of sorts. It has the symbol of Hufflepuff."

"What the hades is a Hufflepuff?" Annabeth whisper yelled to Percy. He shrugged and picked something up.

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