Chapter Fourteen

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We appeared in a dark strip. I let go of everyone's hands and uncapped Riptide. The glow around the bronze illuminated the alley.

I took a couple of steps foward. I must of set something off because alarms began to blare. A rally of people ran out where we were. I ducked behind a wall. The people were dressed in dark robes with contrasting ebony colored masks that looked like a skull. I knew what these people were. Death Eaters.

Then, another alarm blared. This time more faint, as of coming from a different direction. The Death Eaters then charged in the opposite direction.

"Sorry about that guys." I whispered as we crept towards a shop. Annabeth hit me and the others just looked away.

We got to a shop, set off another alarm, it wasn't my fault, it was Hermione's, and the man pulled us inside.

"Oh. Thank you." Hermione said.

"Hide. I'll handle them." The man was tall, with white hair and blue eyes. I began to protest but he waved me off. "I have it under control. Go."

I grabbed Annabeth's hand and we hid behind the bar. We got our weapons out incase something went bad.

He was too far away for me to understand anything. He started yelling something about a cat and a nose or something. Then, he slammed the door in their faces. Go him.

I recapped Riptide and Annabeth sheathed her sword. We stepped out from behind the counter. The air began to shimmer and the cloak revealed Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

"Thank you. We wouldn't have been safe without you." Harry told the man. His eyes widened. "You. It's been you." He pulled out a shard of mirror. "You've been helping me." He said in awe.

The man walked behind the bar and brought out a tray with five glasses of a frothy brown liquid and a couple of small cakes which were shaped weirdly. "Yes, boy. Did you think you'd actually get that far without help?"

Harry looked stunned. "You're Dumbledore's brother. I mean, Albus. Um. . . Aberforth. And that's Ariana." He pointed to a painting of a young girl. It was moving.

"Um. . . Is that painting moving?" I asked.

The group of wizards stared at me like I was insane. "Yes, Percy." Ron supplied. That was so helpful. I decided just to drop it.

Aberforth walked over to the portrait of Ariana. "Go to Hogwarts tell Neville he's here." The girl nodded and skipped off.

I saw Ron and Hermione eating and that made me even hungrier because I couldn't remember the last time I ate. I walked over to the table with the tray. I took a cake and stared at it.

"Harry, do you have a spell that can make this blue," I said holding up the cake.

He looked at me funny bit came over and made it blue. "Thank you, Harry."
Annabeth came over to me. "Really, Percy? Whatever." She picked up a glass and examined it. Then she took a sip and recoiled. "What is this?" She asked.

"That's butterbeer." Said Ron. "Do you like it?"

"Yeah." She said. "It just wasn't what I was expecting." I took the cup from her and took a sip. It was really good.

"Hey, get your own." She said as she took hers back. I grabbed a drink and basically chugged it. It was so good. Why don't we have this at camp. Next time I'm at camp, so getting this in my goblet.

"Who is that, with Ariana?"I asked, glancing at the painting.

"Is that. . . Neville?" Hermione said as the portrait swung open. "It is!" She rushed up and gave Neville a hug. He bro hugged Harry and Ron.

"You're so beat up. What happened?" Ron asked.

"Oh, this? This is nothing. Seamus got it worse. And who are they?" He asked pointing at Annabeth and I.

"Percy." I supplied. "And this is Annabeth."

"I can speak for myself you know. It's nice to meet you, Neville."

"Same." I said.

"If you don't mind me asking, why are you traveling with them."

"Well," I began dramatically. "They kidnapped me."

"You can be very blunt sometimes." Annabeth said.

"I know. It's a talent." I said.

"Harry, why did you kidnap him?" Neville asked.

"He's you-know-who's nephew."

"Then, why--"

"Because, one, I'm on your side. Like Nationwide. Two, I've never met this guy. Though my other uncles. . . I have some wonderful cousins. . .we fight. . . A lot. Three, I'm kinda very powerful and could take him down with Annabeth, Thalia as a diversion, because I want to annoy her and a couple others."

"Okay." Neville squeaked.

"Percy. Lay off. You're scaring him. You're mean to Thalia, too."

"Whoa. I'm mean? Thalia electrocuted me."

"It doesn't matter. We have to get to Hog--whatever it is. We need to take this guy down." Annabeth stated.

"Alright. Let's go. Through the passage!" Neville yelled. And we marched one by one to Hogwarts.

Guys. I'm almost finished this book. A few more chapters, I think. I have chapter 15 and part of 16 done. I have notes written and stuff like that so..... Things in the next chapters are out of order. Somethings are not in Deathly Hallows. Do you guys want a different point of view besides Percy and Harry? I love you guys. Almost two hundred reads in less than a month.(it's august 28) if you liked this chapter, leave a vote. If any comments, concerns, or questions, please contact the comments bar and I'll be on the other line.

Question: What house was Lily Evans (Potter) sorted in?

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