Chapter 1

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Today we were playing the most dreadful game in gym. Dodgeball.

Gym was definitely one of my weaknesses, it was probably at the top of the list. Next to art.

My strengths are math and science. Two things that don't involve physical activity.

I'm not saying I don't like physical activity, I'm just not good at it. You see, I'm not that coordinated so that makes it really hard to participate without being humiliated.

Anyways, Mr. Evans thought that it would be a great idea to play dodgeball. He says that it's the best game in history. I say otherwise.

I picked up a ball, not to throw it. Because if I did I would probably accidentally hit Mr. Evans in the head. I picked up the ball to make it look like I was participating.

"Hey! Geecker!" A voice behind me said.

I turned around regretting it when I saw Hudson Hamilton holding a bright red dodgeball.

"Think fast." He said with a grin before he threw the dodgeball like a bullet at my face.

I remember hearing the sound of the ball hitting my face and then I was out cold.

"I think he's coming to." A voice in the distance said.

I could easily recognize the voice as the school nurse. I've been way to many times before.

I opened my eyes but was blinded by fluorescent lights above me.

When my vision focused, I saw that I was in the nurses room on an uncomfortable, plastic sheeted bed. My mom was sitting in a corner on a plastic chair.

"Oh sweetie! Are you okay? Does your head hurt?" She peppered me with questions as I sat up on the bed.

My mom was standing and had a worried look on her face.

"I'm fine mom. It only hurts a little." I said. She sighed with relief.

"Do you want to go home?" She asked.

"Um, no. There's only forty five minutes left of school, I think I'll be fine." I said. She had that look of worry again.

"Mom, don't worry I'll be fine." I reassured her.

"Okay. Well, I better get going. Your sure you'll be alright?" She asked.

"I'm sure." I replied.

"Okay." She said and opened the door, "Thank you Ms. Rodriguez." She thanked the nurse.

Ms. Rodriguez smiled.

When mom was gone I got out of the bed and stood on my feet, "If your going I'll just give you this ice pack. Come to me if the pain increases, and I can give you an aspirin." She said and handed me an ice pack.

"Thanks." I said and half walked, half stumbled out of the nurses room.

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