Chapter 25-LAST CHAPTER!

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---- 1 Month Later ----

---- Ariana's POV ----

Its been a month since our break up. I went back to being that socially awkward girl at school with only 5 friends. I just stay at home alone. Savannah was always out at clubs or parties with Chad. I wasn't complaining or anything I loved being alone. 

I got up and ran to the bathroom, throwing up. I have been throwing up a lot lately. After I finished eating I went to the kitchen. I was starving but we had nothing I craved. I had been having a lot of cravings lately it was weird. I grabbed my keys and headed to Nandos. After I got my food I brought it home to eat. I was sitting at the island eating my food when I had this weird feeling. I jumped down from the tall chair and ran into the bathroom. I threw up. Again. 

I decided I should probably go to the doctors. I called Savannah to let her know where I was going.

"Hello?" She spoke into the phone.

"Hi," I sighed.

"Whats wrong?" She asked worried.

"Everything," I answered.

"I'm sorry," Her voice was soft.

"Dont worry about it. I was just calling to tell you where I'm going," I explained.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"Doctors," I replied.

"Why?" She questioned.

"I've had these weird cravings and I keep throwing up,"  I explained.

"You could be pregnant," She joked.

I laughed. "I'm gonna go bye," I hung up.

"You could be pregnant." Those words kept playing through my head. Than it hit me. My birthday. I grabbed my keys. I ran outside to my car. I buckled up and drove to the market. I arrived at the market in no time. Mostly because I was speeding. I hopped out of the car and walked inside. I walked over to the 'feminin'  section. I stopped rushing through the isles when I came across a pregnancy test.

I walked up to the counter and handed her the cashier the test. Well this isn't awkward. The women gave me a strange look than scanned the box.

"That will be $1.50," She said smacking her gum. I handed her a dollar and 50 cents. I grabbed the test from off the counter and ran out to my car. I got in and buckled up. I started the engine and drove home. I pulled up the drive way and jumped out of the car. I ran inside to the bathroom.

I took the test and I was now waiting for the results. The test beeped indicating the results. I was scared to look but I finally did. The test showed 2 lines.

I was pregnant.

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