Chapter 14

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---- Savannah's POV ----

    We started making our way into our way into the leaving room, but I stopped them. "What?" Josh groaned. "He has to explain to me why he cheated on her before he can go and talk to her!" I demanded putting my hand on my hip. "I was drunk and she came onto me! I didn't mean to hurt her!" He explained. I raised an eyebrow. "I'm telling the truth!" He told. "If I find out that's not true I'm coming after you!" I scolded. He just rolled his eyes. I started back to the living room when Harry grabbed my forearm. "What?" I said turning around. "Was she in the hospital because of me?" He asked. "I don't know... Maybe... Who knows what happened!"  I just said that not wanting to tell him that it was his fault. He sighed and we all walked into the living room. This should be fun...

---- Ariana's POV ----

    Savannah walked in followed by Josh and Harry? I didn't want to see them. Especially not Harry. I got up and started walking to my room. "Ariana! Wait!" Harry called after me. "Let me explain?" He said more like a question. I shook my head 'no' and headed too my room. Harry grabbed my left wrist. My cut  wrist. I bit my tongue trying to prevent my self not to scream in pain. I turned and looked at him. "Can we talk?" He asked. "Let go of my wrist I demanded. "Please let me explain." He begged. "Let go of my wrist!" I bit back tears stinging my eyes. "Why do you want me to let go of your wrist so badly?" He asked. "I-I. Uhh.. I-Its n-nothing." I stuttered. He pulled up the sleeve of my shirt and with my luck I forgot to put a band aid over it. There was blood all over my arm. "Oh my god.." Harry said in complete shock. "Why?" He asked panicked. Tears were streaming down my face by now. And not just from the pain.  "Ariana why? He asked again. I just looked away. I couldn't tell him he was the reason I cut. He tried to hug me but I put my hand on his chest. "I don't need your sympathy." I said through gritted teeth. I pushed him away and walked to my room. Of course he followed me.

    I sat down on my bed not saying a single word to him. He sat down next to me. We just sat there in silence. I spoke up. "I'm sorry I'm not what you wanted." Harry just shook his head. "I'm sorry." He apologized. "Why Harry? Why did you do it?"I asked curiously. "I don't know. I was drunk. I'm just a fuck up!" He said standing up. His fist was clenched. He kind of frightened me. He looked so mad. "You aren't a fuck up Harry. Everyone make mistakes." I truthfully told. "I don't want to hurt you anymore Ariana." He said clenching his jaw. I just shook my head. I didn't know what to say. "Will you please forgive me?" He begged. I wanted to be with Harry but I didn't know if I could trust him. They say everyone deserves a second chance. I nodded. "I didn't mean to hurt yo- He tried to say. "Drop it!" I demanded. "Sorry.." He apologized. "I'm sorry. My emotions have been everywhere lately.." I admitted. He nodded. We didn't say anything for a while. I just sat at the end of my bed and Harry just stood there awkwardly. "Come here." Harry spoke up. I stood up and walked over to him. "Turn around" He politely demanded. I nodded and turned around. My eyes darted open when I felt the cool sliver touch my chest. Harry carefully attached the necklace around my neck. I fiddled with the paper plane pendant for a few minuets."I want you to have it...So people know you're mine.."


Hi! Sorry for the short chapter!! Yes there is a line from the fanfic Dark in this chapter(:


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