Chapter 17

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---- Party Night ----

---- Ariana's POV ----

    "Oh my gosh I have to look perfect!I need to get Chad'sattention because right now all his attention is going to Mackenzie!" She said looking through her closet. I rolled my eyes. "You've known him for 5 days!" I said sitting on her bed. She just shook her head. I walked to my room and started looking through my closet. I decided on a tight black dress. I put on my make up and curled my hair. I slid on my black heels and but in my black feathered earrings. This has been my first party in 2 years and I admit I was nervous. I was looking in the mirror when Harry walked in. "Whoa" Was all he said. "Do I look okay?" I asked turning around. He just stood there with his mouth hung open. I shook my head and walked downstairs to the living room. Harry came down at sat next to me on the couch. He was wearing a white t-shirt and black pants. "So who is this Chandler guy?" He asked. "He's just a friend," I reassured him. "I don't like him." He said putting emphasis on the word him. I rolled my eyes. "You don't even know him" I said giving him a look. Savannah walked in. Sh was wearing a red strapless dress with black heels and her hair was straightened. "Do I look okay?" She asked worriedly. "You look beautiful babe," I said giving her a reassuring smile. "Picture time!!" She squealed. I laughed and got up. We took a few selfies and posted them on instagram. "Girls," Harry scoffed. I glared at him.

     Beep! Beep! I heard a car horn outside I grabbed my purse and we walked out to Chandler's car. Chad was sitting in the passengers seat. Savannah stopped me before we got to the car. I turned around "Yes?" I raised an eye brow at her. "There he is!" She said nervously. "You look fine now come on!" I said pulling her arm. We got in Chandler's comfortable and he started driving to his house. "Chad's checking you out!" I whispered to Savannah. "And Chandler isn't checking you out?" She whispered. "Don't be silly," I said shaking my head. Chandler pulled up to his house. You could here the music from a mile away. We walked inside and headed towards the dance floor and started dancing.

---- 1 Hour Later ----

    I was talking to some of these girl who's names I had no idea of. Lets just say I had a few drinks and I had no clue where Harry or Savannah were. "I didn't know you were like this" The blonde one said taking a sip of her drink "Yeah I- I was interrupted by Savannah who pulled me away from the group of girls I was just talking to. "What the hell?" I scolded. "Chad. Just. Asked. Me. Out." She said trying to catch her breath. "Omg!! You go girl! Haha!" I stumbled over. "How many drinks have you had?!" She asked. I just shrugged. "I'm going to the bathroom," I announced. "Thanks for the information!" She sarcastically said.

    I started making my way to the bathroom when someone pulled me into this other room. It was Chandler?! He pushed me up the wall trying to kiss me. "Chandler stop! You're drunk!" I pushed him away. "Not drunk enough to know that you belong with me and not that fuck up!" He said referring to Harry. He started kissing my neck. "Get off of me! Go away!!" I screamed trying to push him off of me. The door swung open and there he was. Harry. "Get the fuck off of her!" Harry demanded. His fist were clenched and his soft green eyes were cold and dark. "No! Shes mine!" Chandler yelled guarding me.  That pissed Harry off even more. Harry walked over to him and punched him in the face. Chandler started to fight back. Harry started throwing more punches and Chandler was now on the ground. He just laid there while Harry punched him. I ran over to him. "Harry stop! " I cried. I tightly gripped Harry's shoulders, desperately trying to pull him off. He wouldn't budge. His arm drew back to throw another punch, my hand tightly wrapped around the strained muscle. "You're going to kill him," I was forced to let go as he pulled away as his hand hammered into Chandler's stomach. 

    He finally stopped. He turned to me and slung his arm over my shoulder.

"We're going home,"

"We dont have a-

"We can walk." 

    I had never seen Harry so angry. It scared me.  "Do I frightened you?" he asked. "No," I didn't hesitate to answer. We got home about 10 minuets later. I got on my pyjamas and brushed my teeth. Harry was already in bed. This was the first time Harry had ever slept over. It wasn't weird it ha been 2 months already. I got in next to him. He wrapped his arms tightly around my small frame, his bare chest pressed against my back. I soon fell asleep in Harry's arms

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