Chapter 2

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---Ariana's POV---        

I pulled my my hair over my right shoulder, covering the scar. "Uh..I-Its n-nothing.." I stuttered. He nodded. The rest of the car ride was silent and very awkward. Savannah and Josh were the only ones who knew what had happened. I didn't trust very many people, I never had. Well not after my parents died 11 years ago. I was very quiet. I didn't have very many friends, most of them just used me because I'm 'Josh Devines' sister. People tell me i'm lucky, but honestly I don't feel lucky at all. I'm always by myself and my brother, the only one who I have left, doesn't even care about me. Well he doesn't act like he does..

"We're here!" Harry said cheekily. We all got out of the car. Savannah and I got our luggage and headed inside. We got threw all the security checks and we were now boarding the plane. We took our seats, Savannah taking the window seat leaving me to sit in the middle of them. The plane took off after waiting for 30 minuets.

---12 hours later--

We finally landed. We got off the plane ad got all of our luggage. There was a cab waiting for us out side. We walked out to the cab and put our luggage in the trunk. We got in and we were off to some beach house in California. 

About an hour later the cab stopped at a beautiful beach house. Harry paid the taxi driver and we got our luggage. We walked inside. Niall was standing there waiting for us. I had a soft spot for him. I smiled at him. "Ari!!" Josh yelled running down the stairs. He attacked me with a hug. "Hii!" I greeted him with a hug. The boys all welcomed me and Savannah and showed us our rooms. I shared my room with Savannah. We walked into the living room where 3 girls sat. They looked kind of familiar. 

"Hi! I'm Danielle, but most people call me Dani. I'm Liam's girlfriend." She smiled sweetly. I smiled. "Hii! I'm Eleanor, but you can call me El. I'm Louis girlfriend." She giggled "Hii!! Im Perrie, I'm Zays girlfriend!" She smiled giving me a hug. "I think we'll get along really well." She whispered in my ear.  She pulled away and smiled. I nodded. "Oh this is Savannah." I said. "Hii!" She smiled. 

It was really late and I was tired from the plane ride. "I'm going to bed. It was nice meeting you all." I smiled. "Night" They all said. "I'm gonna go to bed too." Savannah said. She follwed me up to our room. I walked into the bathroom. I put my pyjamas and brushed my teeth I put my hair in a braid and walked back into our room. Savannah was already situated and had fell asleep. I got in my bed and fell asleep..

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