Chapter 15

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 Sorry for skipping ahead, but nothing really happened during her last month of vacation...Enjoy!! :) ~TheAuthor~

~ 1 Month Later ~

---- Ariana's POV ----

     Today was the first day of school. I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. I put on a navy blue tank top and red pants. I put in my anchor earrings and slid on my white TOMS. I straightened my hair and put in a red head band. I still wore Harry's necklace since the night I got it. I grabbed my sun-glassed that were outlined in red and walked down stairs. I ate a quick breakfast and sat down on the couch waiting for Savannah.

---- Savannah's POV ----

    It was the first day of school today. I got in the shower and brushed my teeth. I put on a grey and white striped tank top and purple pants. I put in my purple feather earrings and slipped on my grey flats. I left my hair wavy and walked downstairs. I ate breakfast and grabbed my stuff. "You ready?" Ariana asked walking into the kitchen. "Yep." I answered. We walked out to her car and drove to school. We pulled up to the school about 10 minuets later. I said hello to some of my friends. Ariana had already went inside. She was so quiet and distant. "SAVANNAAAAAA!!!!!" One of my close friends Christina yelled. "Hiii!!!" I said giving her a hug. "Who's homeroom are you in?" She asked as we walked in the school. "Mrs. Smith." I answered. "Eeep!! Me too!!!" She squealed. "What about that other girl? Ariel? Ana?" She kept guessing names. I shook my head. If people new what she was really like and she was more out going she would have tons of friends. I just wish people would acknowledge her. "Ariana." I stated. "Whatever. Are you still friends with her?" She asked putting some books in her locker. "Yeah?" I said more as a question. "Oh.." Was all she said. The bell rung indicating it was time to go to homeroom.

    I walked into the classroom and took my seat next to Ariana. Christina and Maddie, two of my friends, sat in front of us. "Fuck," Ariana cursed under her breath. Maddie and Christina looked up surprised. I guess they thought she didn't cuss since she was "The Quiet Girl", but they had no idea... "What is it?" I asked looking at her. "Nothing," She mumbled.  Maddie looked at me. 'What the fuck?' she mouthed. 'You have no idea..' I mouthed back shaking my head. Both Christina and Maddie smiled. The bell rung and we all got our stuff walking to our 1st period class.

    I had every class with Ariana except 7th. I know there's one boy in there that she's good friends. His name is Chandler. Hes consider one of the 'populars' here with his 'crew'. There were 4 people in his little gang. Chandler, Luke, Cody, and Aaron. Ariana dated one of them before she dated Ben. Luke was a jerk just like Aaron. Chandler was different from the other three. He wasn't a player and he never treeted girls badly. I was taken by suprised that he talked to Ariana though. They're totally different. Chandler was the out going, popular, captain of the football team. Ariana? Well, she was just quiet. She didn't used to be. Even after her parents died she was still out going and bubbly. "Miss Roberts? Miss Roberts?"  Mrs Daniels said waving her hand in my face. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at her. "Please pay attention." She demanded polotiley. "Sorry.." I apologized. She smiled and went back to teaching. Mrs. Daniels was a nice elderly women. She was one of my favorite teachers at this school. That doesn't say alot though. Most teachers here are just rude and dont even care. The bell rung and it was time for 2nd period.

---- At Lunch ----

    I found Ariana and we got sat down at our table with Christina and Maddie. "Hey babe can you hand me a napkin." Christina asked Ariana. Ariana looked up from her phone kind of shocked. I guess she was surprised that someone else besides me and Chandler were talking to her at school. Ariana smiled and handed her a napkin. "Thanks babe," Christina thanked her. Ariana smiled. "Oh I hope you don't mind me calling you babe. Some people think its weird." Christina said stuffing her mouth. Ariana shook her head. "Its fine babe. I always call Savannah that. I don't find it weird at all." Ariana stated. Christina gasped. We all gave her questioning looks. "We could be the super babes! Yeahh!!" Christina said putting both of her hands up wanting Ariana and I to give her a high-5. "Haha alright babe." Ariana laughed giving her a high-5. "Do you watch vampire Diaries by any chance?" Christina asked. I slapped my for head. "You ask everyone that!!" I scolded. Ariana dropped her fork. "Omg!! Thats my favorite show!!!" Ariana squealed. Well that's something I didn't know. They kept blabbing about Klaroline and Stelena and all this other shit about the show. It was pretty entertaining if you ask me. "Oh my gosh!! You are perfect!!" Christina yelled. I think I just found Ariana a best friend. Except for me of course.

---- End of The Day ----

"Class! Class! I have an announcement to make!"  Mrs. Smith yelled clapping her hands together. The class finally got quiet. "We have a new student in our class his name is Chad Gunter."

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