Chapter 19

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 ---- 1 Month Later ----

 ---- Ariana's POV ----

    Tomorrow was the start of September Break and as usual me and Savannah were going to stay in our flat the whole time. We were sitting on the couch watching Tangled We were both huge Disney fans. Ding Dong  the door bell rang. I got up and opened the door. There stood Harry, Niall, Louis, Zayn, Liam, Josh, Perrie, and Eleanor. "Hi!!" They all cheered walking into the flat. "What are you doing here?" I asked giving them all hugs."Its September Break!!!" Perrie squealed. "Yeah and we have no plans!" I sarcastically said. "False," El smirked. "Well why don't we go into the living room to talk about this?" I suggested. They all nodded and walked into the living room. "Savannaaah!!" Eleanor yelled giving Savannah a hug. Eleanor and Savannah got on really well. It was like Savannah was Eleanor's new Danielle."What are you guys doing here?!" Savannah asked hugging Eleanor. I paused the movie. "Spring break plans!!" Niall smiled. "Yeah..We don't have any..." Savannah frowned. "Yes you do!" Zayn smiled. Savannah and I both gave them questioning looks. "Sit and we will explain," Niall said walking into the kitchen. Him and his food. We all sat down. "Well, since you don't have any plans..again.. we decided to take you to...DISNEY!!!" Josh yelled. Me and Savannah both squealed like fan girls. "We leave tomorrow morning," Harry explained. "I'll help Ari get packed! El you help Sav!!" Perrie said pulling me into my room.

    "Okay it will be hot so bring whatever you took to Cali. Oh and one sexy outfit for your birthday! You never know what Harry got you." She winked. I blushed furiously and started throwing all of my summer clothes in my suitcase. "Yay were done!" Perrie smiled. We both walked into the living room. The boys were finishing Tangled. "Wow," I said pretty surprised. They gave me confused looks. "I'm surprised you're watching a princess movie" I said gesturing to the television. "We have to get in the Disney spirit!" Liam explained. "Liam, you have enough Disney spirit with your Toy Story obsession." I snickered. Liam rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to the t.v. I sat down on Harry's lap and watched the ending of Tangled. This was definitely one of my favorite Disney movies.

---- Savannah's POV ----

    I was so excited to be going to Disney. Not only because it was Disney but I was going with some of the most amazing people in the world. "Okay it will be hot so pack summery clothes," Eleanor said taking out my suitcase. I got along really well with Eleanor. I folded my clothes and put them neatly in my suit case. "We are going to have the best time! You have to ride most of the rides with me!" She said. She had the biggest smile on her face. "What about Louis?" I asked. "Ew" She made a disgusted face. I loved how childish they both were. Louis might have been my favorite in the band but I was glad he found someone as great as El. "Okay were done!" Eleanor announced. We walked into the living room and watched the end of Tangled with everyone else.

---- The Next Day ----

---- Ariana's POV ----

    "WAKE UP ARIANA!!!!" Louis yelled in my ear. I groaned and got up. I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I put my hair in a pony tail and changed into a superman top and red shorts. I slid on my red TOMS and grabbed my suit case. I met everyone else downstairs. We walked outside and went to our separate cars. Harry, Zayn, Niall, Perrie, and myself were in Harry's car and Savannah, El, Louis, Josh, and Liam were in Savannah's.  

    We got to the air port about an hour later. We went through the security checks and we were now sitting in the waiting area. After 30 minuets of waiting our flight was called. We were in 1st class this trip. I sat next to the window with Savannah to my right and Perrie and El in front of us. I looked over to Savannah and she was staring at Harry who was sticking his tongue out at her. "What the hell?" She glared at him. Her and and Harry were on good terms now. "You wont even let me sit next to my girlfriend who I haven't see her in a month!" Harry pouted. "Cry me a river! You can fuck her later!" She smirked. "Savannah!" I yelled. I could feel the heat on my cheeks. Harry bit his bottom lip and winked at me. I shyly smiled smiled and looked.away. "You're welcome," Savannah whispered.

    We were the only ones in First Class so it didn't really matter what we did or said. That's how the whole 'You can fuck her later' incident happened. We had been on the plane for 10 hours and we were all bored out of our minds. To kill time I put on Finding Nemo. I absolutely love this movie. I turned all of my focus to the flat screen above our heads. The girls and I watched the movie completely ignoring the childishness going on behind us. "Oooh! Nemo!" Liam cheered sitting next to us. Th 5 of us watched the movie while the other continued their childish games. This was certainly an interesting flight..

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