Chapter 10

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*1 week later*

---- Ariana's POV ----

     I was back at mine and Savannah's apartment. Everything was going great except for Savannah found Aaron in bed with another girl. She was heart-broken but she soon got over it. I was sitting in my room on twitter. I clicked on a link; *One Direction Hits Australia! Watch them today at 3:00 on The Today Show Australia!* It was 2:55 now. I walked into the living room and sat down next to Savannah. "They're about to be on!" Savannah squealed. Even after she was friends with them she was still a fangirl. I just smiled and nodded.

      The interviewer walked on stage. "Good Afternoon Australia! Please give a warm welcome for One Direction!" He smiled. The boys walked out on stage and squeezed next to each other on a couch. The boys answered some of their normal questions that they're usually asked during interviews. "Now onto love lifes who is single and who is in a relationship?" The interviewer asked. The boys were silent. "Liam? the interviewer spoke up. asked. "Umm yeahh me and Danielle are taking a little bit of a break." Liam answered. I frowned. "Sorry to hear that. Louis?" The interviewer looked at Louis. "Me and El are still going strong." He replied. I smiled knowing that they were still together. "Zayn how are you and Perrie?" The interviewer questioned. "Great." Was all he said. "Niall?" "Still single" He stated. The interviewer nodded and looked at Harry. "What about you Harry who is this lucky girl?" A picture of me and Harry kissing at the airport popped up on the screen. I blushed. "Uhh.. yeah.. That's um.. Josh's sister.." Harry bit his bottom lip. "Are you two dating?" The interviewer asked. "Umm.... Yeahh.." He grinned. The crowd erupted in 'aww' "Congratulations." The interviewer smiled. Harry just nodded. "Well it looks like our time is up. Sorry boys it was great having you on our show today." The interviewer stated.The boys all stood up and said their goodbye. "AWWW!!!" Savannah yelled. I smiled.

       My phone started buzzing. My interactions were exploding with followers and mentions about me and Harry. I scrolled through my mentions. Some of the fans were nice saying that me and Harry were a great couple. Others were just plain rude saying that I should kill myself, but I knew that dating Harry I would have to take the consequences. I just shook my head and went off twitter. "Omg! Ari!! You're verified!" Savannah said grabbing my arm. "What?" I asked not believing her. She showed me her phone. My eyes got wide. "Wow." Was all I could say. Savannah nodded.

       I got up and went to my room. I put on a pink Jack Wills sweat shirt and put my hair in a pony tail. I pulled my hood on and grabbed my phone, logging onto to twitter. "@Harry_Kitten: You lying bitch! I hope you rot in hell!" I logged off twitter and went back into the living room. "Where are you going?" Savannah asked. "Im going to take a walk to try and get my mind off things." I sighed. She nodded  and turned her focus back on the television. I walked outside and started walking down the streets of London.

    A few of Harry's fans came up to me and asked for a picture. I wasn't used to this I fwlt out of place. They're were paparazzi and fans following me everywhere and I just wanted to be alone right now. Usually I would have told them to go away but I didn't want to be known as the rude one. So I talked to some fans and answered some of the paparazzi's questions. By the end of my 'alone' walk I was exhausted so I decided to go home and take a nap.

     I walked into the house and sat down on the couch. Savannah was watching the news. "Ariana Devine mobbed by fans and paparazzi on her walk around London" was the headline. "Hi I'm Katharine Carpenter and this is BBC news" Katharine spoke. "Today in London Ariana Devine, famous pop singer, Harry Styles, girlfriend was mobbed by fans. Here is one fan who saw the whole thing, Keigan Ross." Katharine handed the microphone to Keigan. "Honestly I felt really bad for her. I'm sure she wanted to be alone, but she stopped and talked to fans and answered some questions from the paparazzi. She was incredibly nice about it and I have gained tons of respect towards her." Keigan stated. "Wow. That is incredible. What a girl. Thank you for watching BBC News." The tv turned to a commercial. I smiled and went to my room. I changed into some sweats and a comfortable t-shirt and took a nap.

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