s e v e n t e e n

Start from the beginning

"Are you cold?" Luke quickly went to grab the blanket lying at the end of the bed. I shook my head quickly unlocking the phone.

"Have you ever seen these apps?" I asked showing him the dim screen. There were twelve apps, each of them Luke hadn't seen before.

"That's weird," his eyebrows furrowed together making a crease form. "There should be the name of the app beneath it." His finger tapped on one of them, taking a while to load it came up with a four numbered code you needed to enter. He typed in something random for it to them come up saying declined.

"This makes no sense," I said quitting out of the app and clicking on another for it to do the same. We both looked at each other with same look on our faces.

Something felt off about this, and I'm determined to find out what this means. My instant thought would be there are some codes we have to find out, maybe this phone holds the answers we're looking for.

"Click on the contacts for a second," Luke asked his voice higher than usual. I did as he pleased clicking the app, bringing up one name that made my heart stop for a second or so.

Dakota Lavall.

"Woah," I said clicking on the name. There were no details whatsoever, just the name and the profile picture of just pitch blackness.

"We should stop," Luke wrapped his hand around the phone switching it off. He was right, we were jumping into this way to fast going straight to the conclusions. He put the phone on the tray besides us before leaning down and pulling up the sheet at the end of this bed.

I yawned which made him yawn making me laugh slightly. "What's the time?" I rubbed my eyes.

"Like- eight thirty something," he threw his head back into the pillow making my end bounce up.

I looked around the room seeing Michael asleep with Ashton beside him curled up together in the one bed, they're so adorable. Calum, on the other hand laid as still as a log with the cloth still draped over his head. I stood up from the bed taking two steps to get to him. I pulled the now dry rag from his face, his eyes meeting mine.

"You can take these now," I said grabbing the pills from his table and handing him a glass of water. While he took that, I walked over to the sink in the corner soaking the fabric in cold water before squeezing it out tightly. "Here you are," I smiled folding it up and placing it back on his head.

"Thanks B," he mumbled shutting his eyes.

"Wake me if you need anything," I whispered trying not to wake the boys.

I walked back over to Luke, gently hopping back in the bed turning so I was facing him. His eyes were slightly dozing off but he managed to keep them open.

"Can I ask you something?" He whispered. I nodded tucking my lips into my teeth. "Do you think- do you think we'll get out?"

I thought it over a bit, it was a hard question to answer because honestly, I had no clue. "Our families have got be getting suspicious by now," I swallowed the lump forming in my throat. "We've been in here for a week, they can't- I don't know Luke honestly. We don't even know what's going on in here, we don't know what we're up against."

"I know, I'm just afraid of loosing hope." He said awfully quiet, his finger brushing over my cheekbone. "How'd you get this?"

For a second I thought he was talking about my cheekbone, starting to think of something sarcastic to say but then I remembered the scratch.

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