"Wanna go take a smoke or two?" I asked, and she smiled.

"Let's go." I nodded and we walked away towards the back of the school where we could smoke in peace. Luke was nowhere to be seen, and that made my day, so far so good.

** Oli's P.O.V. **

** Lunch**

I sat down at my usual table and waited for Kathy to arrive and sit down with me. Well, I mean, after everything I think she will be avoiding Luke like he was the plague. I looked over and saw that Matt and Lee entered the cafeteria. They must know what happened yesterday. I wonder what they are going to do about it. I noticed they weren't walking towards the same usual table. They were walking towards my direction. I just stared at them as I saw them sit down in front of me.

"Uhh hi" I said no knowing what else to say.

"We're sorry Oli. I never thought Luke could have manipulated all of us to think such a thing. I'm so sorry I thought you were just a stupid loner. Honestly, I, well we, came here cause what Luke did was extremely wrong. Also because we had always heard from Kathy that you were such an amazing guy and that if we had spent some time to get to know you we would have agreed." Nicholls spoke. I slowly nodded while listening.

"It's ok man. It's not your fault if Luke did what he did. You guys had no idea what was happening." I justified them. It was true, they had nothing to do with it. It was all Luke's work and his little gang.

"Yeah, but still. We could have listened to Kathy before to find out the truth ourselves. I also want you to know that nobody is on Luke's side. He's the true dickhead. And to think that we thought he changed. Phh... bullshit." Lee explained.

"C'mon guys, I said it's not your fault. C'mon let's not think about him. So, what kind of music do you guys listen to?" I asked randomly just to change the subject.

"Rock and metal." Nicholls answered.

"Same." Lee just replied. I started to smile at their answers.

"No way." was all I was able to say.

"You listen to that too?" Lee asked surprised. I smiled nodding.

"Oh my fucking god. I totally forgot. Lee, Kathy even told us that we shared the same music taste. We are so stupid." Nicholls said while mentally face palming himself. I chuckled at his comment.

"You guys ain't that bad after all." I commented.

"Yeah, and you ain't that much of a stupid loner after all." Nicholls replied. We all started laughing at the same time.

"Who would have ever guessed? The popular kids becoming friends with the school loner. Kinda weird eh?" I said. They both nodded.

"You're right." Lee said. I looked at my bag that was half open and noticed my notebook. A question immediately popped into my head.

"Do you guys play any instruments?" I asked curious. They both nodded.

"I play the drums." Nicholls answered.

"I play the guitar. Do you play anything?" Lee said.

"I don't play any instruments but I can sing pretty. Well, it's more like screaming and growling but yeah." I told them.

"That's sooo cool man!" Lee exclaimed. I chuckled while scratching the back of my neck. Maybe we could actually become friends. Maybe we can make a band and play gigs. I mentally laughed at myself.

"Yeah, that would be pretty cool." Nicholls said. I looked at him confused. "You know, make a band and play gigs." He explained. Ohhhh... I must have said that out loud, my bad. I should pay more attention to what I think and not say shit out loud.

I Don't Wanna Live Like A Broken Record (Oli Sykes)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat