Chapter seven

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I stood there with my arms wrapped around me in shame. I kept my eyes on the floor. Sebastian would pay for this.
"Well?" He asked.
I stayed quiet.
"Ciel, it's time we talk about this, and you know that."
I didn't say anything.
"I get that you don't want to say anything, but you're going to have to"
No I don't.
"I could guess at why you've been acting this way: teen rebellion, stress, anger, self loathing, but the only way we can deal with this is if you say what's going on."
Not going to happen. He looked at me to see any form of reaction, and continued when he found none,
"Attacking Sir Trancy was probably the worst possible thing for you to do."
You've said this already
"Whether you were taking your emotions toward yourself out on him or you were just angry doesn't matter."
Taking my emotions out on him? Please, I mentally scoffed.
"What matters is now we have to pay the price. If you're lucky, and apology might be enough."
I'm not lucky.
I was sick of him asking useless questions, so I exploded, "What?! What do you want me to say? I'm 'depressed' or 'hate myself?' Well that's not the reason so you won't get that from me! I don't know why I do this, and I really don't care. You're my butler and you are not to interfere with my business. Alois" I hissed his name as I said it, "He can go fuck himself. I don't care what he does. So would you please just leave me alone?"
"You wouldn't be so lucky for me to leave you alone. There are consequences and you know that."
"I don't care! It's my life and I'll do what I want. There are no other consequences to me hurting myself than just that: me being hurt. If Alois wants to kill me, let him. I could care less."
"There aren't consequences now, but someday you won't want to be like this anymore, but you'll be too addicted to stop. If you at least tell me why you do this we could work together to make it stop."
"Just talk to me Ciel! You don't have to do anything else! Just talk!" He yelled roughly which was frightening, but I tried not to let it show.
"Why do you care so much?!" I yelled.
"Because I care about you dammit!"
"Why would you care about me! I'm just a selfish kid who deserves all the pain in the world."
Sebastian didn't answer. Damn my big mouth, I told him what he wanted. He knows I think I deserve this. Fuck.
"There! You got what you wanted. Now leave me alone!" I turned and went toward my room.
"I'll never leave you alone. I'm your butler and I tend to your needs," he said quietly but loud enough for me to hear.

A/N yes I know this is a bit short, but there's some excitement coming. Thank you all for being so patient

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