Chapter four

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  Stretching as I woke up, some of the freshly opened cuts reopened yet again bringing on a new wave of stinging pain.
  I looked down at my body and saw little red stains on my shirt. What would I do? I hurried to my bathroom and drew myself a bath. I took my night shirt off and sat in the warm water. I grabbed the shirt and submerged it in the tub and began to wash away the faint red spots. Some of them disappeared, but most of them only faded slightly.
  When I was done attempting to wash the shirt, I went into my room with a towel to get dressed. I ran into Mey-Rin who told me that breakfast was waiting in the dining room. I thanked her and noticed her take a long look at my cuts and scars before leaving.
  I put on some clothes and grabbed my freshly stained, wet shirt. On my way to the dining room I slipped my shirt in with some of the laundry that was soaking in detergent.
  "Morning Ciel!" Finny smiled as I entered the dining room.
  "Ay kid!" Bardroy boomed stumbling in. They were acting a bit off which was normal for them, but I didn't know why.
  "Where is my meal?" I demanded.
  At that moment Sebastian came into the room wheeling in a cart with tea and cake on it. My mood lightened when I saw the sweet dessert, but it soon darkened when I saw who was behind him.
It was Alois. Why the hell was he here?
"Sebastian, get him out of here!" I commanded referring to Alois.
"Sir Trancy will be joining us for tea."
I glared at Alois as he sat down and he held my gaze will a devilish smile.
"What do you want?" I sneered.
"Aww Ciel, why on earth do you sound so angry?"
It took too much effort to come up with a sarcastic reply so I decided to ignore him.
"You can't pretend I'm not here. I am your guest and you will treat me as such," the blonde brat demanded.
I mentally cursed Sebastian for letting the asshole on my property again.
"Where's your butler? He's the one who should be babysitting you, not us."
"Milord, he could not join us today. If you would please show our guest some courtesy, it would be much obliged," Sebastian said, annoyingly passive and polite as ever.
"Fine," I huffed.
"Ciel, you have to tend to my needs," Alois sang. I wanted to punch him again.
"What would you like Alois?" I asked through gritted teeth.
"First I'd like you to pour me some tea," I began pouring, "And then I'd like to know why you're mad at me," he pouted.
"I'm not angry," I tried to say politely.
"You know, you should never lie to your guest."
"Sebastian, would you please occupy your time somewhere else for right now. If there is trouble, you'll know," I didn't want him to see me lash out at the blonde for what he did: revealing me.
"Yes milord," he obeyed as usual.
I let the door close and waited to hear Sebastian's footsteps fade.
"Why did you make Sebastian leave?" Alois whined.
"Ohhh Ciel..." He flirted as he batted his eyes.
"Don't get excited. There are certain matters a butler isn't included in, and you have entered these matters blindly, and now something must be done," I was stern with him.
"I'm not sure what you're talking about."
"Don't play stupid, this is about the other night."
He tapped his chin thoughtfully, "What about the other night?"
"You know exactly what I mean so stop beating around the bush."
"Oh, I know what you mean, but I won't continue the conversation until you say what happened."
He was so full of himself.
"You showed Sebastian that I cut myself with Claude in the direct vicinity."
"Yes, I believe that may be the reason I was invited here today."
"You were invited?" I couldn't believe it.
"Yes, your butler wanted me here. Let's play a question game."
I crossed my arms a rolled my eyes. That damn Sebastian, what the hell was he thinking. I didn't reply to Alois.
"So why do you do it Ciel?" He was edging out of his seat in intrigue.
"Why do you care?"
"Ah, you have to answer the question when you're asked. If you must know, you confided in me when your sleeve slipped up, so now I need to know everything."
Every fiber of me wanted to punch Alois, but instead I took a deep breath and answered him, "I do it because I want to."
"That leaves me hanging. I have more questions now. If you do it because you want to, then why do you want to?"
"I just do."
"Ciel, I'll tell your precious butler that you're being mean. He won't be happy. Or I'll tell Claude that I had a terrible time, and he'll kill you."
"Sebastian wouldn't let that happen. Your butler is weak."
"Just answer my questions," he whined.
Just then the door opened. Sebastian was standing there silently. He looked upset, and slightly angry.
He had a shirt in his hand.
A white one.
With tiny red stains dotting the surface.
"Fuck," I muttered.

A/N: I'm sorry my writing has been pretty terrible and the chapters short. I'll try better. Please please review.

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