Chapter six

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  "Fuck," I muttered.
  "Fuck is right Ciel," Sebastian said, his eyes cold and deadly. 
  "I-I don't know how that got like that," I tried to act oblivious in a desperate attempt to save myself from the situation.
  "Young master we both know that's bullshit, now let's not act ignorant," he said plainly. The scary part of this was that Sebastian said all this in a normal tone, no anger or yelling; the fury rested in his eyes.
  "It's really not what you think."
  Alois began giggling, and I glared at him.
  "What?" I hissed.
  "Oh this is great, I get to see you fall from good graces twice in two days! I can't wait to tell Claude. How embarrassed you both will be when this gets out!" He cackled childishly.
  I cocked my left fist back and drove it into the blond's jaw with a satisfying 'smack' to his skin. He fell out of his chair and I stood over him. I threw my right fist into his gut. My arms flew at him over and over, and I kicked him in the ribs a few times too.
  After dealing a few blows to Alois, Sebastian cleared his throat.
  "Milord, let's not permanently damage our guest."
  I didn't stop. I didn't care what my demon butler said. Nothing mattered. I wouldn't stop. I didn't know if I could stop. This asshole needed to pay. He meddled in my private life.
  He cried in pain at every blow, and blood was dribbling from his mouth. I kept attacking blindly. He needed to feel the pain.
  I felt two hands grab my elbow from behind and pull be back. Two strong arms were wrapped roughly around my body. I could feel my cuts irritate.
  "That's enough," Sebastian growled.
  I was oddly satisfied for causing Sebastian to finally show emotion.
  "You'll pay for this Phantomhive!" Alois spat weakly.
  I struggled against Sebastian with my legs kicking like a child. I wanted to throw myself at the boy and rip his face off. The grip around my torso tightened which made breathing a bit difficult, and caused my cuts to burn more. I bit Sebastian and he tightened his grip even more with a grunt.
  "Let me go!" I screamed.
  "Ciel stop!" Sebastian commanded. "We'll already be in trouble for the damage you've done, let's not make it worse."
  "Fine," I wet limp in his arms, but he didn't let go, smart of him.
  "Sir Trancy, if you would not mind, I request your departure from our property. As always, it was a pleasure for you to be here."
  "I don't think so. You," he pointed a small finger at me, "Need to pay."
  "All that's happened will be resolved at a later date, Mr. Trancy, so do not worried. Now I request you vacate the Phantomhive manor before I use force."
  He left reluctantly, limping slightly. After the door had shut, Sebastian released me suddenly causing my knees to receive a blow from the impact to the ground.
"Milord, that was entirely out of hand."
I scoffed and looked at my feet with an uninterested expression.
Sebastian grabbed my chin and snapped my head up so I met his gaze.
"Do you realize the gravity of this situation? Not only are you mutilatig yourself senselessly, but now we will be receiving a serious blow from Sir Trancy in retaliation to your attack."
"He couldn't hurt a fly if he tried."
"No he couldn't, but he has five demon servants who could easily deal us a heavy blow."
I became a bit uncomfortable and almost felt sorry. "I don't care."
"Liar. I know you're feeling guilty," he hissed.
My face flushed in irritation and embarrassment at how easily he knew how I felt. I tried to look down, but it was difficult with Sebastian still holding my chin. He released my face and I looked at my feet.
  "You need to begin taking responsibility for your actions, and that begins with the blood on your night shirt."
  I shuffled my feet.
  "How can you expect to run a business without being responsible. You're a dishonor to your parents," I knew he was saying this to get a reaction, and he was successful.
  "You shut up! You don't know my parents or what I am capable of! I am responsible! I am not some ignorant child who cannot control theirself! I am the Phantomhive heir and you are my butler so don't, DO NOT, get in my way! You work for me, not the other way around!" I sounded pathetic.
  "Yes, I work for you, but it is to serve you and bring success to you because you are the Phantomhive heir. If you are so well off without me, then why did you agree to our contract?"
  I was pissed and had nothing to say.
  "That's what I thought. Now, what do you have to say for yourself?"
  "There is nothing to say. My business is just that: my own." I turned on my heel and made my way toward the door. 
  Sebastian grabbed my bicep right where some fairly new cuts were. He knew he grabbed me just right by the way I yelped I'm pain and tried to pull my arm away. He did not let go so I turned and glared at him.
  "You won't solve your problems by running away from them," he began to squeeze my arm to indicate one of my problems-self injury-"so it's time for you to face the things you've done and have to do."
"Leave me alone. I can handle my own problems."
"It is very apparent that you cannot handle your own problems," he stated bluntly and squeezed my arm again, hard.
I cried out in pain.
"It's time you face what you've done to yourself."
He swiftly pulled me toward him, unbuttoned my shirt, ad allowed it to fall to the floor. A plethora of cuts and scars covered my torso and arms, but this wasn't even half of the damage. I wrapped my arms around myself to cover as much as possible.
"No," I whispered feeling my eyes burn, "No!"
"Yes, milord, this must stop."

A/N I'm sooo sorry for making Sebastian so hard in this, but I feel like this I the fatherly strictness Ciel needs. I thought it would be good to end here as its a bit of a cliffhanger, but it's not super heated. Sorry it took so long and thank you so very much for reading

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