His eyes glowing in the little moonlight that there was in the sky.

I knew that this wrong and it was probably the alcohol that making it so much more enjoyable; I wanted him and he wanted me.

It was like nothing else mattered and no one else existed. It was just me and Tom, everything was perfect between us once again.

"What would you do if I said I was jealous?" I asked.

"Well, I guess, I'd just have to do this..." he replied and he forced his lips onto mine, there was so much passion and fire, like he had been waiting a long time to do this again. His hands moved from his side and attached themself to my waist as he pulled me closer; deepening the kiss at the same time.

I had missed this and I love the fact that he was mine again, even if it was only for tonight.

"I've missed you Tom." I mumbled against his lips.

"I've missed you too babe. Tonight, you're going to be mine again..." Tom replied as he moved his hand up my thigh, slowly reaching the hem of my dress before his lips met mine again and I ran my hands through his hair while looking intently into his eyes; this was the times that I missed. Just being in Tom's embrace made me feel loved again, and it didn't even take that much.

"Not here Tom, too many people..." I giggled as I pushed him away from me, my hands resting on his chest as I smiled up at him.

"Back to mine then?" he winked, taking me hand in his and pulling me towards the door then.

"Tom we can't be seen in there together. You're with Miss.Lake and I'm with Nathan, pretty sure people are going to ask questions if they see a teacher pulling a student out the club." I replied with a slight laugh.

"Well, guess we'll have to find another way out of this. How about, you meet me in an hour and we'll go back to mine?"

"Done. I love you Tom." I smiled.

"I love you too Rach." Tom stated with a huge grin, placing one last kiss on my lips before vanishing back inside and allowing the door to close behind him.

I knew that this was wrong and I was giving in way too easily, but there was a lot of alcohol in my system and I wasn't thinking straight.

I'm sure the realisation would sink in that I had slept with Tom; I had broken the law just for a bit of fun with the person that I loved.

But I'm sure it was going to be worth it and everything was going to fall into place soon.

I sat down and couldn't help but smile to myself as I thought about being in Tom's arms again and the genuine feeling of happiness which washed over me.

"So, what happened then?" Nathan asked as he appeared beside me, taking the empty seat which was there.

"He kissed me and said I was going to be his for the night." I giggled like an immature school girl.

"You're going back to his?" Nathan replied in shock, but grinning at the same time because his plan had actually worked and Tom had been jealous enough to take proper action.

"Yeah, I've got to meet him in an hour. Oh my god Nathan, I can't believe this actually worked. I mean, I know it's against the law and everything, but that makes it all so much more exciting." I grinned like an idiot.

"You really love him, don't you?" Nathan smiled.

"I don't know why, but I do. I should hate him for everything he did to me and the way he treated me, but it doesn't matter how hard I try, I just can't move on from him. Promise you won't tell anyone, especially not Louise?" I sighed.

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