As she put on some last minute clear lip gloss, a text from Drew came in saying, "Morning dear, meet me at the canteen in five. I've got something for you." Sadie smiled and blushed, not knowing why. Drew had been her only friend for a very long time but nowadays things seemed to change. Their group was growing, which was good, but she did not want to lose him to someone else - not romantically, of course.

After entering the crowded canteen, Sadie's eyes darted to the red head guy next to the vending machines. She sighed, noticing him surrounded by girls, including Jenna. Adjusting her coat and holding on to her handbag, Sadie walked towards Drew and waited for his attention. All of the other girls were giggling at Drew's worst jokes as Sadie rolled her eyes at them, tapping her right foot nervously and looking at the time.

As soon as he saw her, Drew smiled sweetly and immediately discounted all of the other girls. To their disappointment, he grabbed Sadie's hand and walked off with her out of the canteen and to a quieter area at the school. When they stopped, Sadie realised that Drew had not said one word since they left the canteen and eyed him suspiciously. What's going on? she thought.

Drew took off his backpack and, after gently placing it on the ground, he knelt down and quietly seemed to be looking for something. Whilst waiting for him, Sadie leaned against the walls opposite to the History Department. She wondered whether she would ever see Mr Cooper again. Did she want to see him? Maybe, and maybe not. But, deep down, she hoped that he was alright. Besides, she had not had a history lecture for a couple of days now and hated every bit of it.

Students giggling, laughing, and talking could be heard in the distance as Sadie was excited to see what Drew was about to give her. A book, maybe? He, sometimes, found a good library book which he would lend her for a couple of days to read. After a minute or so, Drew stood up with a fancy lunch box in his hands. Blushing, he managed to say, "I baked some cookies for you."

Sadie grinned at her best friend as she took the box from Drew's hands and examined what was inside it. "Dark chocolate!" she exclaimed. "Oh, you know me so well, Drew." Then, after closing the lid, she hugged him and kissed his cheek. Drew, who was still blushing, smiled tenderly at his friend and was about to say something but Sadie continued, "Wait, what's the occasion? My birthday was a month ago, silly boy."

Drew let go of his friend and seemed tense. He opened his mouth to say something but he had barely started his statement when he was interrupted by someone clearing his throat. Both students looked at the direction from which this act was coming and were speechless to see Mr Cooper only ten feet away from them. Sadie felt tense as her heart started beating faster and looked away. Drew could not believe his eyes: he had planned to tell Sadie something very, very important. Why did he have to interrupt?

Mr Cooper's eyes were fixed on Sadie. However, he broke the silence and said, "Shouldn't you be getting your books ready for your first lesson?"

Drew grabbed his backpack and replied, coldly, "We did, Sir."

Mr Cooper smiled faintly and tilted his head as he faced Drew, "Well then," he sighed. "You still shouldn't be in here."

"Fine," grumbled Drew as he held on to Sadie's hand and started walking away.

"Oh, not you, Miss Wilson," they heard Mr Cooper say as they were leaving. "I need to talk to you about," he sighed, stopping mid-sentence, then resumed, "well, something. Will you follow me to my office, please?"

Sadie stopped walking and turned to face Mr Cooper. For a second, their eyes connected and she was glad that he was back. Then, she remembered what a coward he was. He had kissed her then he left without saying goodbye. But now he was back. She glanced at Drew who was impatiently waiting for her to say something. "There isn't anything that we should be talking about, Mr Cooper," she gulped.

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